Based on the premise that your average shmo is going to look at a headline, inculcate that message, and not read the body.
Unfortunately, they are probably right when it comes to Americans -- if they are picking up a Zionist prop rag at all (doubtful).
"Olmert seeks to push ahead on peace talks" by Adam Entous, Reuters | June 3, 2008
JERUSALEM - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas protested Jewish settlement growth near Jerusalem in talks yesterday with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel, who sought to show it was business-as-usual despite a corruption probe....
On the eve of the Olmert-Abbas meeting, Israel announced plans to build nearly 900 homes in areas of the occupied West Bank that the Israeli government considers part of Jerusalem, despite calls to stop settlement expansion....
That is seeking to push peace forward, according to the Zionist-controlled War Daily.
Also yesterday, Israel began to allow its Arab citizens into the West Bank city of Jenin to visit relatives and shop for the first time since 2000, Palestinian officials said.
That's EIGHT YEARS!!!!!!!!!
Who ever knew that Palestinians had it so bad?
I didn't until I started reading the blogs!!
Then they did it again today:
"Mideast peace effort must endure, Rice says; Less optimistic about framing a deal this year" by Anne Gearan, Associated Press | June 4, 2008
WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the Mideast peace effort begun by President Bush must carry over to his successor, a note of caution yesterday amid a dire political crisis in Israel.
The top US diplomat also accused Iran of continuing a covert nuclear weapons program, although a US intelligence assessment has said Tehran quit its active warhead program years ago. Rice defended the Bush administration's carrot-and-stick approach to Iran and indirectly criticized Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama for his willingness to talk to the clerical regime.
Rice said there is still a chance to frame a deal between Israel and the Palestinians this year, although she said the goal is admittedly ambitious.
"The goal itself, though, will endure beyond the current US leadership," Rice told a jammed ballroom at the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. "I believe that the administration's approach to this problem will and must endure."
Took 'em long enough to get around to it, huh? EIGHT fucking YEARS!!!!
Yeah, let me draw up this piece of shit "peace" process while I'm heading out the door.
Here's your blueprint!!!
A more immediate concern involves the Israeli leadership, not the American. There was no mention of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's legal troubles, bribery charges, which threaten to bring down his government or force his own party to replace him.
What, at an AIPAC meeting? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
Olmert was in Washington as Rice spoke, and he was to address the same convention later yesterday. Rice did not say how detailed she thinks any agreement could be, which suggests she shares widespread pessimism for much beyond an outline of a future deal this year.
"The present opportunity is not perfect by any means, but it's better than any other in several years and we need to seize it," Rice said.
Sort of like the four-corners offense, huh? You know, DELAY, DELAY, DELAY!!!!!
She drew repeated applause for tough language on Iran, which Israeli leaders consider their greatest enemy.
Thus they become America's, excuse me, USrael's greatest enemy!
Iran's hard-line president, Mahmoud Ahamadinejad, regularly says Israel must be wiped off the map.
Oh, now he REGULARLY SAYS THAT, got it, readers?
Well, FUCK OFF, Zionist press!!!!!
Rice scoffed at Iran's claim that its nuclear program is intended to produce only electricity. She questioned why Iran would keep inspectors away from some sites, reject a generous offer of civilian nuclear help from Russia, or maintain part of its program under military control.
Why don't you ask that of ISRAEL or US, for that matter, beeee-ach!!!!
Later, she directly accused Iran of pursuing weapons on the sly.
But provided NO PROOF, right? Lying bitch!!!
She said there is no point in engaging the regime until it changes its behavior.
"We would be willing to meet with them, but not while they continue to inch closer to a nuclear weapon under the cover of talk," Rice said.
ISRAEL! Also see: How Israel Got the Nuclear Bomb
The Bush administration long accused of hiding a bomb program, a view shared by Israel and presumably the rationale for any military attack either country might launch against Iran.
As if!!!!
Right, it is a U.S. view shared by Israel -- as if Israel isn't pulling the strings over here!!!
There is your LYING, DISTORTING, Zionist-controlled MSM at work!!!!
And the attack? Could by EITHER/OR!!!!
Rice's words were striking because US officials have backed off pointed accusations since the publication in December of a declassified intelligence report that concluded Iran once had an active warhead program but had shelved it in 2003.
Condi shows AIPAC where they can insert their penises.

The report said US analysts could not say whether Iran still held weapons ambitions, and said the program might be restarted without US knowledge.
Obama and Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton are addressing the AIPAC convention on Wednesday, and presumed Republican nominee John McCain spoke Monday. McCain had a get-tough message on Iran, while Obama is expected to tell the group that he would talk to Iranian leaders without preconditions set by the Bush administration."
Yeah, I saw them!
And thus, Obama will be dropping in the polls soon.
Just watch! And this was a surprise in the New York Times:
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice escalated the Bush administration’s anti-Iran rhetoric on Tuesday, accusing its government of pursuing nuclear weapons and calling any dialogue with its leaders pointless until they suspend the country’s enrichment of uranium.
WTF?! How did THAT get in there!!!??
While Ms. Rice’s message was familiar, the tone of her speech, before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, was unusually sharp....
Ms. Rice stopped short of calling for consideration of military strikes against suspected Iranian nuclear targets, as some national security conservatives in Vice President Dick Cheney’s office have advised.
On there way soon!!!
As I said, coming soon. Olmert needs it at this point!
“Israel will not tolerate the possibility of a nuclear Iran, and neither should any country in the free world.”
No, what the free world shouldn't tolerate anymore is the shitstink state of Iz-ray-HELL and its WAR CRIMINAL OCCUPATION of Palestine!!!!!!!!
Mr. Olmert is scheduled to meet with President Bush at the White House on Wednesday....
About what, I wonder.
Howard Friedman, Aipac’s president, used his introduction of Ms. Rice to implore her “to use your remaining time in office to ensure that Iran does not get a nuclear weapon.”
I'm so tired of Zionist propaganda!!!!
While Mr. Olmert was in Washington, in Israel, two senior members of his Kadima Party, both contenders to replace him as party leader in the event of his downfall over corruption charges, spoke out on national security issues.
Shaul Mofaz, the minister of transportation and a deputy prime minister, toured the Golan Heights on Tuesday and, in apparent contradiction with Mr. Olmert’s policy, declared his opposition to returning that territory to Syria, which lost it to Israel in the 1967 war.
I didn't believe that bullshit anyway!
Mr. Mofaz said that it was possible to achieve peace with Syria without giving up the heights, and that “the significance of handing the Golan to the Syrians is Iranians in the Golan.”
Translation: It is NEVER HAPPENING!!!!
Israel’s foreign minister and vice prime minister, Tzipi Livni, another Kadima Party leader who may one day replace Mr. Olmert, told Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday that it was important to keep the threat of a military option on the table for stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
So who out there doesn't think we are going to bomb Iran?
The Iranian issue was to figure prominently in Mr. Olmert’s talks with American officials, according to the Israeli news media.
Administration and Israeli officials said that President Bush could soon announce a security package for Israel that could include cruise missiles and a permanent hookup to a worldwide warning system against incoming ballistic missiles....
Oh, as vets sleep in the streets and America crumbles, Bush is going to outfit Israel with CRUISE MISSILES!!!!
And did you know that Israel talks to "terrorists," readers?
"Hezbollah gives troops' remains to Israel "
".... Israel and Hezbollah have been making indirect contacts through a German mediator acting under the auspices of the United Nations....
This is why I'm pissed at the obfuscating MSM!
Nothing but government mouthpieces that keep, information under wraps -- until so directed to divulge it!
We are ALL being PLAYED by the Zionist-controlled MSM!!!!
Also yesterday, a spokesman for the Israeli Housing Ministry said it was moving ahead with plans to build 800 apartments in Har Homa and Pisgat Zeev, two Jewish suburbs in East Jerusalem. The Palestinians claim the territory, which Israel annexed after the 1967 war, as part of a future state."
Yeah, whatever, two sentences worth, huh, MSM, on the Israeli defiance of U.N resolutions?