Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Boston Globe Comes Out: Islam

Actually, they already were out -- at least, their parent was!

See links at bottom of post for more

"Hard-line Islamists feed off anger of poor; Food crisis sparks rancor against governments" by Borzou Daragahi, Los Angeles Times | June 5, 2008

AMMAN, Jordan - The smell of freshly baked bread calms the room filled with women in frayed cloaks and worn slippers. Grateful for the assistance, they walk out of a Muslim Brotherhood social service center into the trash-strewn alley, clutching plastic bags packed with flat loaves.

For five years, the Jordanian government has clamped down on the Islamist group's electoral ambitions and its charity programs, suspicious it was using good deeds to win political support.

Yeah, if you kill people you'll get more "political" support, won't you, King?

Just the way the article is written offends me.

Those stoo-pid Muslims, being fooled by people providing food to them!

Thank God Americans don't have to worry.

We eat Zionist shit, so we are never hungry.

But the global food crisis has carved out new opportunities for the Brotherhood and other hard-line groups across the Muslim world.

Right, the Muslims are gaining an "opportunity" because they are STARVING!

Fucking Zionist media is UNREAL!!!

How bout checking out the guys who designed the plan first!!!

Of course, assholes like that see things like the Asian Tsunami and 9/11 are "opportunities" (see Condi Rice) to show the world what American military power can do to "help."

Increasingly unaffordable prices underscore criticism of autocratic governments and drive more people toward fundamentalist groups.

Yeah, that means U..S-sponsored GOVERNMENTS!!!

Although the Brotherhood fared poorly last year in municipal elections, it has been steadily gaining ground, sweeping votes for the leadership of Jordan's professional associations.

"We used to win some and lose some. Now we win all of them," said Zaki Bani Arshid, leader of the Islamic Action Front, the political party of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan. "The government which tried to marginalize us politically for years has now given us a big gift."

The spike in food prices has challenged America's goals in the Middle East at a critical juncture, when it is attempting to win support from friendly governments for an Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative, and for confronting Iran and Al Qaeda.

Challenged the goals? Or ADVANCED THEM?

Fucking LYING JEW MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!

And all this crapola about AmeriKa trying to win over "friendly" -- read: oppressive and repressive -- governments!


The anger has taken on an increasingly anti-American tone, even among elected officials. Egyptian lawmakers, for example, have accused the United States of causing the food crisis by conspiring to keep their country dependent on wheat exports.

Nooooo! You don't say!!!

No, no, AmeriKa, you go right on eating that Zionist shit!

"If we look at these main factors behind the increase in world food prices and the specter of famine and political turbulence, we will easily reach the conclusion that [the] Bush administration and the bunch of neoconservatives and their foolish policies in waging external wars . . . are, in practice, behind this deep crisis," said an April column in the progovernment daily newspaper Al Watan in Oman, a staunch US ally.

YUP!!!! Read it: Fighting For Food

"America is being held responsible for what is happening," said Arshid, of Jordan's Islamic Action Front. "It's supporting these corrupt regimes."

The frustration is potentially more explosive in Jordan than in more democratic parts of the developing world.

"People can tolerate anything except when it comes to food," said Labib Kamhawi, a Jordanian economist and critic of the government. "The security establishment cannot open a file for the hungry like you can for the political activists. One day you'll wake up and see havoc."

And the King will be DEAD!!!!!! Long live the King!!!!!!!

Officials throughout the Middle East have begun importing food, implementing price controls, slashing import duties for foods, and locking in prices for future purchases of wheat and rice. They have also begun preparing fields for wheat production and making monetary reforms....

Jordanian government officials consider the economic situation their highest priority, a grave, snowballing threat, analysts said. Officials fear the kinds of riots that erupted when the price of sugar went up in 1971 and bread prices jumped in 1996.

Despite the global nature of the price increases, governments across the Arab world have come under particularly strong criticism. Public service employees in the Arab world cling to the vision of the state as a caretaker, especially for those who have served in the security forces.

Yeah, thank God AmeriKa's citizens don't think tha... pffffttt!

Never mind!!!! Fucking Zionist bias AGAIN!!!!

But free-market policies adopted in recent years have decreased official control over prices."

Here's another piece of Muslim-bashing garbage in the Zionist-controlled, agenda-advancing AmeriKan shit rag:

"In France, a clash of law and religion"

Also see these swell pieces of racist garbage from the Zionist, I mean, New York Times:

The Jew York Times' Hamas-Bashing

More Jew York Times Hamas-Bashing

Muslim-Bashing For Breakfast

The Week-Ender Shit-Eater

Sunday Morning Muslim Bash

The Jew York Times

Israel Writes The New York Times News Pages

The New York Times: Israel's Mouthpiece


Also see
: A Boston Globe Shocker: Gaza's Health Crisis

A Boston Globe Shocker: Israel's Death Squads

Another Boston Globe One Day Wonder?

A Boston Globe Shocker: Israel's Irritating Settlements