Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday Morning Muslim Bash

From who else?


With more Zio-prop thrown in, too!

Just what I need to puke out my oatmeal at breakfast, readers!

THIS leads the National Report:

Abused Muslim Women in U.S. Gain Advocates"

Yeah, never mind that America leads the world in domestic violence.

It's always a foreigner problem in America!

Hey, we love our women, even as we poison them and kill them!

Then there is this inside:

THE NEEDIEST CASES; 60 Years Removed From War, but Some Hardships Remain"

The propagandistic agenda-pushing by AmeriKa's lead Zionist War Daily never ends, reader.

Glad I see through it now.

A year ago, I would have believed this propagandistic Jewish filth, and written bleeding-heart articles about it.

Now I see it for what it is, and breeze right past!

Also see:

Muslim-Bashing For Breakfast

The Week-Ender Shit-Eater

The New York Times Opinion Page: Festival of Muslim-Bashing

The New York Times' Racism

The Lovely Ladies of Pakistan

Memory Hole: Must Read For Women

That last one is why I know the female "suiciders" and all the other Muslim transgressions against women that the Zionist press reports are a PACK of SHIT LIES!!!!!!