Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin to Skip Sunday Shows

I wouldn't have noticed. After years of viewing them as a sort of Super Sunday, I never watch them anymore. When I am here posting my Sunday Boston Globe stories, the television is off and stays that way.

Of course, we know why McCain isn't sending this
train wreck passing for a person out into the hot glare of unscripted communications.

"Sarah Palin will be missing from action Sunday a.m

.... Here's an advance heads up, in part because of who WON'T be found on any of the chat shows.

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin campaigning with the top of the Republican ticket, John McCain

Three of the four now-official candidates on the major-party presidential tickets are scheduled to sit down for questions: Democrat Barack Obama on ABC's "This Week," his running mate, Joe Biden, on NBC's "Meet the Press" and Republican John McCain on CBS' "Face the Nation."

Absent from this list, of course, is the GOP's star of the moment, the not-so-long-ago obscure governor of Alaska who is McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin.


Just looking at her makes me sick now; there is no beauty there, just pure evil!!!!