Thursday, September 25, 2008

Getting Back to Galveston

You don't want to go back....

"Roughly 75 Percent of Galveston's Homes Are Uninhabitable; Highways Jammed as People Head Home to Galveston

Sept. 24, 2008

or the first time since Hurricane Ike blew away much of the city, residents of Galveston began streaming home today.

But the city is in such bad shape, those hurrying back home were given an ominous warning: Bring tetanus shots, rat poisoning and don't bring children.

If that's not enough, planes are spraying the city with insecticide to prevent a boom in the mosquito population, the water isn't drinkable and people are urged to wear face masks to guard against inhaling toxic mold that is proliferating in the sweltering city.

Nevertheless, highways into Galveston were jammed with cars today, lines as long as 14 miles long, as many of the city's 57,000 citizens hurried back to see what, if anything, was left of their homes.

What they are finding is heartbreaking. Many are coming home to nothing....
