Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sarah Palin Scores With Hockey Moms

I'm so tired of the bullshit MSM narrative on this upcoming election I can hardly stand it anymore. Just giving you fair warning, readers.

"Palin's take on hockey moms has her on thin ice with some" by Tom Haines, Globe Staff | September 16, 2008

In these early weeks of September, as early-rising, child-shuttling, uniform-washing mothers return to the rinks for another hockey campaign that can carry into April, they have found their seldom-celebrated role a symbol for folksy do-it-all family leadership in the national political debate.

Please see: The Moral Minefield of Sarah Palin

Since Sarah Palin arrived as the Republican vice presidential candidate and self-described pit bull wearing lipstick of a hockey mom, people across the nation have formed fast opinions about a little-known politician. In this region that is a hotbed of youth hockey, hockey moms - as with soccer moms in 1996, NASCAR dads in 2004, and other groups defined in sound bites according to something they do - are reacting in vastly different degrees, from indifference to amusement, from anger to agreement.

Which will "WIN" the election for McCain, right?

Unlike past years, when politicians who were neither soccer moms nor NASCAR dads targeted those groups because they represented a certain type of desirable voter - suburban middle-class women or white, Southern working-class men - hockey moms are faced with a candidate who, in one respect at least, is juggling family and work commitments as they are.

"I think it's great she's more common and in tune with us," said Laurie D'Entremont of Malden, who spent a recent Monday evening at Hockeytown USA in Saugus watching her 12-year-old daughter practice for an early-season game.

Then Amurkns, you can have her!!

If this is what I have to put up with after all my efforts, then screw ya!!!!


Did you VOTE in my POLL, readers?!!!