Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Zionist MSM Drags Out Desmond Tutu

Is it not VERY INTERESTING that the MSM (and so-called "left alternative") press discovers this guy when it comes to Mugabe?

Yeah, but their isn't a SELECTIVE AGENDA-PUSH going on or anything!


"Mandela ends silence, blasts Mugabe; Pressure grows on Zimbabwe vote tomorrow" by Los Angeles Times | June 26, 2008

HARARE, Zimbabwe - Former South African leader Nelson Mandela yesterday joined a growing chorus of African officials criticizing Zimbabwe's leadership, further shaking longtime President Robert Mugabe's grip on power.

"We look back at much human progress, but we sadly note so much failing as well," he said, mentioning conflicts in the Middle East, Iraq, and Darfur to the high-powered audience that included former US president Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain.

So what is Big Bill doing over there, MSM?!

Mentioned that he will be in Europe twice in two days, but no details.

Just like you guys hid the Bilderbergers conference, huh?

Another South African Nobel laureate and apartheid-struggle figure, Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu, spoke out in stronger terms, telling Australian television that Mugabe had "mutated into something quite unbelievable. He has really turned into a kind of Frankenstein for his people."


So WHY pick him up for Zimbabwe and NOT PALESTINE, Zionist press?

Oh, just answered my own question!