Monday, June 23, 2008

The War, the Truth, and the New York Times

"The War, the Truth, and the New York Times

by Anwaar Hussain of TruthSpring

Now that every one and Charlie’s aunt knows of the crimes of America’s ruling cabal, how about finally asking to bring out the hangman’s ropes?

So finally the truth is acknowledged by the mother of all main stream media, the New York Times.

The June 6 editorial, ‘The Truth About the War’ of the media giant begins with these words, “It took just a few months after the United States’ invasion of Iraq for the world to find out that Saddam Hussein had long abandoned his nuclear, biological and chemical weapons programs. He was not training terrorists or colluding with Al Qaeda. The only real threat he posed was to his own countrymen.” That it took more than five years for the leading light of a servile American media to finally find it out, is a fact glossed over most shamelessly.

Truth told late is worse than a murderous lie, is all that one can say to the NYT. It is a dishonest admission coming rather late for a million plus human beings. The icing on this deceitful piece of reporting is the ending of the Op-Ed. It says, “We cannot say with certainty whether Mr. Bush lied about Iraq. But when the president withholds vital information from the public - or leads them to believe things that he knows are not true - to justify the invasion of another country, that is bad enough.”

BAD ENOUGH! Did I read it right? That’s it? BAD ENOUGH! Would you believe it? A million murdered Iraqis, 4000 dead US soldiers, obliterated Iraqi cities, DU shot-up environment, countless crippled and maimed human beings, innumerable shattered lives and how does the NYT express its outrage; by calling it ‘bad enough’? “Sorry mommy, I just killed a million people.” “That’s bad. Don’t do that again, now eat your spinach” eh? Bad enough!? Someone hand me the sick bag please.

Every canon of the United Nations and the 1945 Nuremberg Charters, the International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions has been shot to doll rags by this criminal cabal in its willful, premeditated genocide of an innocent people and what does the American media leviathan call it? Bad enough!?

Not just the international laws, in the US Law itself all jurisdictions which use capital punishment designate the highest grade of murder a capital crime. What’s more, even aggravated rape is a capital crime in Louisiana, Florida, and Oklahoma; extortionate kidnapping in Oklahoma; aggravated kidnapping in Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky and South Carolina; aircraft hijacking in Alabama; drug trafficking resulting in a person’s death in Connecticut; train wrecking which leads to a person’s death, and perjury which leads to a person’s death in California. And here, the wanton destruction of a whole country and annihilation of its innocent citizens is merely ‘bad enough’ for the New York Times?

How about finally telling the Americans the fact that they were used as pawns in the ghastly drama played amidst decomposing Iraqi corpses. How about finally reporting the horrendous crime committed by the US forces in the Iraqi city of Fallujah? How about informing the Americans that the city was bombed, re-bombed, its citizens gunned down, its structures devastated by powerful weapons till it was nothing but a hell on earth of crushed bodies, shattered buildings and the reek of death?

How about giving them the eyewitnesses’ testimony that reported human corpses littering Fallujah’s streets, nibbled at by starving canines and parents forced to watch their wounded children die and then bury their bodies in their gardens? Why not finally tell the Americans an Iraqi journalist’s exact report to the BBC and Reuters: “I have seen some strange things recently, such as stray dogs snatching bites out of bodies lying on the streets. Meanwhile, people forage in their gardens looking for something to eat. Those that have survived this far are looking gaunt. The opposite is happening to the dead, left where they fell, they are now bloated and rotting…”?

How about publishing on the front page, the ghastly images from Abu Ghuraib, including the thuggish grinning faces of Specialists Sabrina Harman and Charles Garner peering out with an evil force, each offering a “thumbs-up” gesture as if posing for a pride of performance award with an ice packed corpse of an innocent, tortured to death Iraqi in the background? How about ordering an investigative report into America’s torture trail that, from Uzbekistan and Pakistan to Guantanamo Bay, weaves across the globe? How about finally checking out what the American officials affectionately called ‘the renditions’? How about running on the front page a video called “Hadji Girl” in which just a few of the lyric lines go as;

I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me,
As the bullets began to fly,
The blood sprayed from between her eyes,
And then I laughed maniacally. . .
I blew those little f**ckers to eternity . . .
They should have known they were f**king with the Marines.

How about finally informing the Americans that not just the murder of a million plus human beings, their rulers also stand accused of bullying unilateralism, dismissive approach towards international treaties, rude attitude towards other nations and cultures, and disrespect for institutions of the world government?

How about finally admitting that the real lesson of the current American onslaught on a defenseless, but oil rich, people is nothing other than that there is no limit to the horrors that the ruling American class will inflict to stay in power and gobble up the fast dwindling world resources; that as long as the American nation continues to tolerate these leaders, who make lies seem true and slaughter respectable, mass carnage will continue to be committed in their name?

How about highlighting in bold letters American historian Howard Zinn’s quote that says, “There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people”? How about becoming the vanguard of a movement to expose the ugly truth of America’s wars and informing the Americans that these wars are waged for nothing other than corporate power, global conquest, death, destruction and oppression? How about pursuing relentlessly the murderous charlatans who still strut about on the national and international scenes?

Now that every one and Charlie’s aunt knows of the crimes of America’s ruling cabal, how about finally asking to bring out the hangman’s ropes?

How about it, eh New York Times? Pray, tell us.

Copyrights: Anwaar Hussain