Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sick of the Shitola

Once you see the AmeriKan MSM newspapers for what the Zionist-controlled, agenda-driving, divisive propagandists that they are, it is difficult to continue even bothering.

I bought the Boston Sunday Globe as a favor to my friend (so he can have the sports); however, I don't know where to go with it today. I reached a point where I just no longer cared to even read the stories. I saw the headlines, scanned them a little bit, and knew exactly what they are.

I'm so sick of agenda-pushing garbage passing itself off as news. That's why you get the language.

So I don't know where this blog is going anymore. I really can not describe to you the depths of despair I am feeling towards newspapers. It is only within the past couple of years (since I found the web) that I have realized what complete and unabashed liars they are.

I used to look so forward to getting out my red and blue pens and getting the New York Times and Boston Globe at the newsstand every day when I started this blog. After one year, the lies started to get to me, and nearly two years in now I can no longer stand the Zionist propaganda.

Even when I first started the blog I thought they actually reported events somewhat accurately, if not biased. Now I've come to realize their SELECTIVITY -- which leads to SO MANY OTHER CONCLUSIONS, especially when you incorporate blog
searching and scanning into it.

Of course, even
that is a gamble. What am I to make of the brick-o-crap and infiltration? The language in some of those posts and comments is far worse than any of my shit analogies, with words I have never used! Whom to believe, whom to trust? I know one place I like to go.

All I can say to you is I'm nothing more than a fed-up, furious American from a podunk, shit-kicking town. That's why the language. Because this world is SO FUCKED UP for NO REASON other than the WHIMS of the EVIL CONTROLLERS and their AGENDA!!!

And I have had it; I've had it because I have been LIED TO 24/7 since the MOMENT of BIRTH!!!! BRAINWASHED by ZIONIST PROPAGANDA!

Wouldn't that make you angry, readers, and if not, WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and it is not just anger that drives the language:

It is also the HURT and PAIN at the RACISM and INJUSTICE of the shit AmeriKan War Dailies and their PROPAGANDA PUSHING!