Thursday, June 19, 2008

Russert's Attendees

Also see: Last Rites For Russert

"A tribute of stories, tears for TV's Russert; Top journalists, politicians honor media's everyman" by Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press | June 19, 2008

WASHINGTON - Tom Brokaw lifted a bottle of Rolling Rock beer in tribute to fallen colleague Tim Russert, part of a day of tributes that brought together the nation's top journalists and politicians and even Senators Barack Obama and John McCain.

Russert, the NBC "Meet the Press" anchor who died of a heart attack Friday at the age of 58, was eulogized at his funeral and a memorial service that was televised on MSNBC.... NBC News anchor Brian Williams told how Russert went to the best salons for haircuts and "on the day he got it done he looked outstanding for 60 to 90 minutes....

And yet he got after Edwards for the $400 cut?

So Tim had a little VANITY, too, huh?

Doesn't fit in with the every man image, does it?

A political insider, Russert was known for conducting tough interviews of Washington's most powerful politicians, yet he evoked an everyman quality that showed his blue-collar, Buffalo, N.Y., roots.

Yup, keep shoveling that myth, MSM!

Among those in attendance were former president Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton, former senator Bob Dole, Republican of Kansas, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York, Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi."

To read about the ceremony, go here