Saturday, June 7, 2008

McCain's Code

If you read between the lines, what he is really saying is he'll keep Israel safe -- even if the insane neo-con plan actually threatens their security.

"McCain says he's running to keep country safe

Republican John McCain's first major television ad after knowing for sure that Barack Obama will be his competition is a stark, personal pitch to voters that he knows about war - and knows how to keep America secure.

"Only a fool or a fraud talks tough or romantically about war," McCain says in the 30-second spot. "When I was 5 years old, my father left for war. My grandfather came home from war and died the next day."

Exhibit A, John: The Bush Memoir You Didn't Hear About

And exhibit B: Bush LUUUVVS War!

"I was shot down over Vietnam and spent five years as a POW," he continues as historical images appear on the screen and sober music plays in the background. "Some of the friends I served with never came home. I hate war. And I know how terrible its costs are."


"I'm running for president to keep the country I love safe," McCain concludes.

You thought he meant America, 'murkns?

Is that why Joe Lieberman is at his side like a conjoined Siamese twin?

The ad started running yesterday and today in the battleground states of Iowa, Michigan, Colorado, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, New Mexico, Nevada, Wisconsin, and West Virginia.

West Virginia? After Dogshit Dick insulted them?

Obama is counterpunching with his opposition to the very unpopular war in Iraq and his advocacy of better benefits for veterans (Boston Globe June 7, 2008)."

What's that about Obama?

Also see: Occupation Iraq: Supporting Our Troops?