And why is the article different from my paper?

Buildings and debris were seen floating yesterday in the Cedar River against a railroad bridge in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (Jeff Roberson/Associated Press)
How about that photo, huh, readers? A HOUSE DAM!!!
Yeah, this isn't serious and things are getting better.
Of course, if you read the article, you'll find that is NOT the CASE at ALL!
Thanks, lying, obfuscating, hiding MSM.
And the damn piece has been rewritten and edited again!!!
That does it, readers! I'm tired of MSM CENSORSHIP!!!
"Receding Cedar Rapids flood reveals wide damage" by Michael J. Crumb and Jim Suhr, Associated Press Writers | June 15, 2008
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa --Receding water revealed widespread damage Sunday caused by a record flood crest, while other Iowa cities faced rivers that were still rising.
The Cedar River had fallen to 24.6 feet Sunday, more than five feet below the crest of 31.1 feet it reached Friday.
"As the river recedes we're beginning to see the incredible destruction that is left behind," said Dave Koch, spokesman for the city of Cedar Rapids, where the worst flooding has taken place.
The city planned to set up 10 checkpoints where residents will have to show ID and sign in before being allowed to return home to begin removing belongings. Houses where damage is severe will remain off limits, Koch said.
Can you say Sig Heil, readers?
What if your IMPORTANT PAPERS, etc, got WASHED AWAY?!
Then what?
Koch said additional National Guard troops were being deployed to the city to help secure the perimeter around the flood area.
He said it would be two to three more days before the river drops enough so crews can begin pumping water back over the levees, and another week before the river falls below flood stage.
About 5,000 residents have been displaced in the Iowa City area that includes neighboring Coralville. The two towns combined have about 78,000 people. Residents were under an overnight curfew.The dark filthy water that flooded in Cedar Rapids swamped 1,300 city blocks, forced 24,000 people to flee their homes and nearly shut off the drinking water supply for the state's second-largest city.And here is what was cut:
", but those who remained were urged to cut back on showering and flushing to save the last of their unspoiled drinking water.
More than 400 city blocks and 3,900 homes were flooded..."
Now why would the AmeriKan MSM want to cut that?
Don't want the American people knowing what a DISASTER this is -- and why they are BURYING the STORY!!!
Now back to the originally posted material:
in Cedar Rapids, where early estimates put property damage at $736 million, said fire department spokesman Dave Koch.
But as the Cedar River retreated, a levee breach in the state capital of Des Moines inundated a neighborhood of more than 200 homes, a high school and about three dozen businesses....
At least three deaths in Iowa have been attributed to the storms and subsequent flooding, and 12 more have died in two recent tornadoes. The governor has issued disaster proclamations for 83 of the state's 99 counties.
More cut:
"A sandbagging siege in Cedar Rapids saved the last of the city's four collection wells from the contamination by record the flood. But officials warned that if people didn't cut back on flushing toilets, taking showers, and other nonessential uses, the town would be out of potable water within three to four days."
Yes, readers, the AmeriKan MSM DOESN'T WANT US TO KNOW the SCALE of the DISASTER!
Non essential uses?
The RICHERS gonna let the shit stink up the house, or....
Yup, AmeriKa's "NEWS" AGENCIES!!
The Iowa City crest isn't expected to crest until Monday or Tuesday.
"This is our version of Katrina," Johnson County Emergency Management spokesman Mike Sullivan said of the flooding in Iowa City. "This is the worst flooding we've ever seen -- much worse than 1993," when much of the Midwest was hit by record flooding.
And yet, the MSM is MOVING IT TO the BACK PAGES!!!!
Case closed, readers!!!!
President Bush was briefed on the flooding in Iowa and other parts of the Midwest while he was in Paris, and was assured that federal agencies are making plans to help people affected by the high water, White House press secretary Dana Perino said.
Yup, while our country falls apart, Bush carouses in Paris and the MSM is trying to bury the shit.
And the fact that this article has been TOTALLY REWRITTEN and EDITED PISSES ME OFF to NO END!
I'm SICK of this SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More cut:
"Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama toured Quincy and helped fill sandbags yesterday. "Since I've been involved in public office we've not seen this kind of devastation," Obama said of the Midwest flooding."
This qualifies Obama to be PRESIDENT RIGHT NOW!!!!
And the Globe and AmeriKan MSM EDITED IT OUT!!!!!
Case FUCKING Closed, America!!!!!!!!
"Parts of southern Wisconsin have been dealing with flooding for days....Iowa's worst damage so far was in Cedar Rapids... the old record set in 1929....
Murky, petroleum- and garbage -choked water inundated three collection wells....
Raejean White posted bright yellow signs at all six entrances to the Preston Terrace Condominiums that read: "If it's yellow let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down."
That goes for you richers, too, right?
In Catherine Holt's household, there are nine children ranging in age from 2 to 17 -- including four teenage girls. She said they're making do with baby wipes and water stored earlier in the week in milk jugs and soda bottles.
Readers, that sounds UNHEALTHY and UNSAFE -- especially with teen-aged giirls walking around.
Aaaaah, fuck 'em! We got WARS and ISRAEL to PAY for or off!!!
Now an addition, if you can believe it.
"So what if it stinks?" said Holt, who closed off one of the family's two bathrooms and forbade the children from using any faucets. "This is so minor compared to what other people are going through."
Especially RICHER ELITE who seem to walk right between the shit drops!!!
But you need to ACCEPT living in SHIT SQUALOR, Americans, while TRILLIONS got to OCCUPATIONS and BILLIONS to BANKS and ISRAEL!!!!
Readers, I chopped the rest because they cut so much from what I am looking at, and reworded and rephrased it in so many ways.
They COMPLETELY DESTROYED the integrity of the piece, readers, and I have neither the time nor the desire to RETYPE the CENSORSHIP!!!!
Because I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!!!!!!
What is with the REWRITING, RE-EDITING, and CENSORSHIP, shit AmeriKan press!!!??