Tuesday, June 24, 2008

HAARP and the Colorado Land Grab

"Agenda-Driven Response: HAARP and the Army's Land Grab in Colorado"

"Unfortunately, despite the government’s responsibility to protect citizen’s rights, it is blatantly obvious that the government is following an alternative, deliberately destructive agenda including: rural cleansing of the resource-producing population, economic destabilization, runaway inflation, unrestrained immigration, illegal surveillance, the NAU, deteriorating infrastructure, ethnic disparity, de-population through war, disease, toxicity, and chemtrails, selective response to “natural” disasters, destruction of the middle class, seizure of private property and obliteration of God-given liberties – all at the hands of an elite ruling class – crony monopoly capitalists and war profiteers, intent on stealing and controlling the earth’s resources, a contrived diminishing food supply and the surviving useless eaters, still obedient and moderately productive. What happened to that illusive balance of power?

At the president’s discretion, along with those covert councils who supervise him, and without congressional or constitutional oversight, fifteen Executive Branch Secretaries control all federal bureaucracies which exert dictatorial power over every aspect of our lives. These agencies and their many sub-agencies facilitate U.N. programs including Agenda 21....

Despite sounding conspiratorial, it is a fact that the U.S. has the capability of manipulating “the climate for military use.” They have applied those “modification techniques” for “more than half a century” covertly maneuvering “weather patterns, communications and electric power systems as a weapon of global warfare, enabling the U.S. to disrupt and dominate entire regions” – against “enemy countries, friendly nations” or even, dare I say, the U.S. to “destabilize economies, ecosystems and agriculture.” [4]

.... HAARP, initiated in 1992 by Advanced Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI), a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Corporation (ARCO) “was developed as part of an Anglo-American partnership between Raytheon Corporation “which owns the HAARP patents, and British Aerospace Systems (BAES). The HAARP project is one among several collaborative ventures in advanced weapons systems between the two defense giants. APTI (including the HAARP patents) was sold by ARCO to E-Systems Inc, in 1994.” [6]

.... Too little, too late – just like New Orleans and currently, Iowa. FEMA immediately responded on 9/11. Debris, which may have provided evidence, was hurriedly cleared away, an anomaly in such circumstances. The EPA, also very quickly, declared that the toxic air was harmless. People, trusting authority, accepted the falsehood. Many individuals developed serious health problems and have since died.

Colorado applicants for assistance had to leap through numerous hoops despite very public, appeasing, sympathetic rhetoric and philanthropic performances associated with the Presidential Snow Emergency Declarations. One may view the After Action Report. Yes, folks, we can trust the government – NOT!

HAARP: Part 1
HAARP: Part 2

Who's Controlling the Weather?

HAARP - Nature Modification Weapon


And when the MSM and minimizes and fails in their coverage, it just adds to the suspicions, doesn't it?