Monday, June 16, 2008

The Floating Nunn

I don't want him on the ticket, and he's not likely to be; so WHY the FRONT-PAGE HYPE, Globe?

I'm tired of TONS of BULLSHIT FOOLEYS while the MSM ignores real issues and pushes divisive crapola.

Gotta wrap up soon. New Format already getting to me.

"Some call Georgian a good fit for Obama"

".... But others stress the potential drawbacks to an Obama-Nunn ticket. Nunn, who will turn 70 before Election Day, could undercut assertions that an Obama administration would bring a youthful vibrancy in stark contrast to his 71-year-old Republican opponent John McCain. Nunn himself cited a lack of "zest and enthusiasm" for politics when retiring from the Senate in 1997. Putting Nunn on the ticket could also take some of the sheen from Obama's image of change.

Meanwhile, his past stance against gays serving openly in the military would probably alienate some elements of the Democratic Party.

Why does either GAYS or ISRAEL have to be the DECIDING FACTOR in our politics, MSM?

Why are you doing this?

"It is hard to see [that] the really left wing of the Democratic party would look favorably on him," said Black.


Since when has the "left-wing" of the Democratic Party mattered at all?

HA-HA-HA-HA-!!!! Gimme a break, hey!

Although I THANK YOU for the GUFFAW, Globe!!!! Too rare an occurrence these days (mostly thanks to you shitbags and your shit sheet paper).

And Nunn's law practice and business dealings - including seats on the boards of Chevron, General Electric, Dell Computer, and Coca-Cola - could come under scrutiny....

Nunn is currently best known for his work as cochairman of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a foundation he helped establish with media mogul Ted Turner to fill the gaps in government efforts to prevent nuclear proliferation...."

As soon as I saw Ted Turner mentioned I said: NOPE!

Yeah, I'll bet that is SOME INITIATIVE!

I'll bet they are WORKING on SOMETHING, all right!

Not that it matters; Bilderberg decided last week who Obama is going to take on -- and where were you on that, MSM?

Case closed, readers!