Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fat Whores and Money Junkies in a Shake and Bake World

I'll mirror his title and post in its pure entirety this time. No commentary needed.

"Fat Whores and Money Junkies in a Shake and Bake World"

"My computer has been in the shop for two weeks and I have been loathe to write something on my wife’s foreign keyboard. It’s like wrestling anacondas in a Vaseline filled bath tub. Still, we’ll give it a shot and I won’t have to go on shying away from responding to the “Where are you?” emails for the same reason that I haven’t written anything here, there or anywhere.

I read the news, the same old garbage and lies competing for the attention of the duped and distracted. I look at the real life-real time genocidal holocaust being practiced on the Palestinians by the world’s only genuine (accept no substitutes) victim nation. The mind reels at the absurdity of the world’s most polished scam artists wringing their blood stained hands while plotting future reparations for what, in ten years time will look like a vicious aggression by the helpless against the longsuffering and blameless powerful. I’m disgusted with it but that’s not moving any mountains.

I see where Bush’s faith based munificence is just more funding for the kind of thing his daddy liked to get into during the Franklin Cover-up years. Most of this money (percentage wise) goes to Israeli interests just as most of the Homeland Security money does. I know that many, many people see what is happening but they just close their eyes and their ears and bend their shoulder to the wheel or try to muscle their way closer to the grease machine while they slip slide away from any pretense of integrity or self-respect.

I don’t know if America was ever what it thought it was. I do know that it now looks like a nation of fat whores in hot pants. Some of us are just made different. I can come to no other conclusion. Why would anyone sell out everything that made them human just so they could go down in history as a whore?

I think about all those world leaders posturing like serial killer clowns; avoiding their sworn fealty to their countries best interests while their citizens labor under an increasingly heavier hobnailed boot of want and oppression. Why is there no one anywhere who will stand up and speak truth to power? Why is there one Keith Olbermann for every ten thousand cackling hyenas? Why is there only one Ron Paul and one Cynthia Mckinney for every ten thousand coin operated robots?

Every one of these world leaders knows that 9\11 was an inside job. Every one of them knows who did it. I know who did it and I’m just some guy with Google access. How absurd is it that a former KGB officer who became Russia’s leader is the most honest of the world’s leaders? Why doesn’t Putin, or Chavez or especially Ahmanedijad stand up and flat out say what should be said? Why do shills like Chomsky and Palast speak relative truth on one hand and lie out of their asses on the other? Why doesn’t Seymour Hirsh say anything about 9\11?

What is it that keeps the leaders of the world, even the leaders who are in the gunsights of the psychopaths from saying what everybody knows? If I were the leader of any of these countries I would finance a movie that laid the facts out on the table. I would speak at the UN and call attention to it and demand that the world see it. There is enough truth out there now for even an amateur to make the case. I would go before the people of the world and I would alert them to the danger in their midst. Being a world leader I could do this. We need something more than this repeating generation of vipers whose main concerns are satisfying their self-interest. What happens when you close your eyes is that you can’t see where you are going. Try it and tell me if I’m wrong.

It should be obvious to anyone curious enough to explore the evidence that energy prices are being manipulated; food shortages are being orchestrated, terror attacks are being fabricated and housing debacles engineered to create a slave population. It’s patently obvious that Rockefeller’s eugenics program is in full swing. None of what is happening here is accidental. Aids WAS created in government labs (I’ll deal with that in the next essay.) and Jeremiah Wright was absolutely right in what he said.

Somebody hip me to it if I’m missing something. Somebody show me the courageous soul who fronts for a country who is telling the truth about what is going on. Isn’t this mysterious to anyone but me? Some ‘former’ political leaders in Japan, Germany and Italy have told us that 9\11 was an inside job. Why doesn’t any present world leader say so? Why doesn’t any world leader call an international conference and bring in Dr. Steven Jones, David Ray Griffin and others and lay it out? Why did Michael Moore skate around the issue? When did Oliver Stone catch Hitchen’s Syndrome?

Now we’re being told that Smokin Joe Lieberman is Mr. Greenjeans and that he is the altruistic force behind some global warming scam. MSNBC gave him a world class felating about it last week. I don’t think you can find a more unctuous, sanctimonious, self-righteous and smarmy hypocrite than Lieberman. If he’s one of the good guys then Charlie Manson was just a miss-understood performance artist. They should dig up his victims and hang them in MOMA so that the world can appreciate the intricacy and beauty of his message.

I am long past being tired of this endless bullshit with nary a contrary word. I guess that’s just the way it is. Things have to get really bad; really, really bad before the Nimrods and Nodwells wake up and smell the world on fire. It’s usually the case that when things have gotten that bad that you will be in the least effective position to do anything about it.

How can a large majority of the Senate and Congress continue to pass invidious laws that compromise The Constitution and The Bill of Rights? Surely they see what it means. Surely they all know that 9\11 was not done by Arab Muslims so why are they passing laws to protect us from a threat that doesn’t exist while making us ever more vulnerable to the dangers that do exist and which did 9\11 in the first place?

How can there have been only the lonely voice of Cynthia McKinney? You don’t pay any attention to the people with your best interests at heart. Yet you will give up your homes and your livelihood and your children’s health and lives to people and business interests that see you as sheep to slaughter. Have you always been like this? Have you always crucified your liberators and lavished obeisance and fealty upon your oppressors? You get what you deserve. Your country collapses around you. Your infrastructure is crumbling. Your children are like “so totally fer sure” dumber than the fenceposts over which they drape the concertina wire and no one in power anywhere is saying anything even when they are in as grave a danger as you. I’m looking but I can’t see. I can’t get the why and wherefore of the silence and complicity. Something is happening out of sight and it’s viral and nasty as anything south of the festering butt cracks of the fat whores who are your glorious leaders.

I know who is doing it. I know why they are doing it. What I don’t know is how they keep getting away with it. We’re in the dark ages and the coming months are going to give you more evidence of it than you ever wanted. It’s a shame. We could do so much good for ourselves and for others but we just turn over in our restless sleep while the nightmare goes on and on. God help you when you do wake up.

Iridescent Dreams

Update: He's right back at you again today

"They're Killing Us Darling. They Really Are"

"Some while ago I didn’t known very much. I probably know less than that now; the same way Bob Dylan was so much younger in his back pages. Still, I’ve been looking into two remarkable pieces of research entitled “The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident” and “the Brucellosis Triangle” courtesy of Don Duca. I couldn’t hope to review these books within the limited confines of the usual 1500 words but it looks like they are killing us. It really does.

We know they’re killing us in Iraq. We know that they are killing us in Palestine. We may not know that this is us but it is. We generally know that they poison the water and the air. We know what the epidemic consumption of soft drinks and fast food results in. We know some things are bad for us but we do them anyway. One argument is that you don’t get out of here alive anyway so, “eat, drink and be merry”. I don’t know how merry you can be when you consistently live wrong but that’s your call. Free choice… “Don’t tread on me.” Talk is cheap Mr. Doormat.

There is a lot of spooky conjecture going round which may not be conjecture. After all, if the people running the show have been found to be lying, merciless psychopaths then it’s not a stretch to correctly assume that there are no limits to the evil they will do. I present depleted uranium as but one well known and documented example.

As I read these books it seemed to become frighteningly clear that the large majority of most new pathogens and inexplicable disorders have been manufactured in government labs. There’s an enormous amount of material available on the subject. You might want to look into some of it once you’ve had the chance to look at Jessica Alba’s baby pictures.

If you wanted to you could find many, many similar articles to this one. I would suggest that you would find out a great deal by looking into Fort Detrick and particularly Dr. Carlton Gajdusek. Here’s a very well presented little polemic. But let’s not digress away from Dr. Gajdusek who got a Nobel Prize which is par for the course in this crazy wonderland of one pill makes you bigger and one pill makes you small and one pill makes you very sick until you’re not at all. Here's an interesting thread.

I don’t need to put any more links into this post. I only include what I do in the hope that it will spur you to look on your own. The sheer weight of the information will make you feel like you are being two-dimensionalized in a ninety ton press. No, I’m going to move right along to my usual reasoning and analyzing according to what seems more likely than anything else.

From what I have studied it is pretty clear to me that a certain group of psychopathic, nightmare entities are actively engaged in selective elimination of certain populations and the subjugation of the rest. It’s the kind of ‘clear to me’ perspective that is paralleled by the increasingly evident certainty that Tel Aviv, Washington and London carried out the 9/11 attacks; the London tube bombing and the Madrid train station; all under the watchful and protective eye of ICTS. Darn, I included another link. It’s the same kind of ‘clear to me’ perspective that tells me Gaza is being genocided for land and land alone. It’s the kind of thing that stops puzzling me when I see where Netanyahu was on 7/7 and where Olmert was on 9/11.

If this was all of it then you might rightly call coincidence but there’s so very much more that you can’t be honest or true if you come to any other conclusions. As I’ve said before, I don’t want to have to believe what I actually know. This is just where the evidence took me. When you throw in Cui Bono and follow the money it’s a fait accompli to arrive at the inescapable truth; which you arrive at no matter where you start looking as long as you keep looking.

Unless you’re still looking at Jessica Alba’s bimbo bomb (and that would be strange since I don’t think she’s sold the rights yet… but she will) then you know that on the surface it is observable and experiential fact that ‘they’ are genetically altering seeds. They are flooding the market with toxic consumables from cellphones to aspartame. They are engineering economic crises and wars for profit. We know these things. They are on the news. They are being exposed by henchmen of the perpetrators and routine science continuously finds myriad links between the products of this culture and mushrooming health concerns.

So… given the tip of the iceberg information presented in the first part of this article… what reasonable mind would come to any other conclusion than that they are killing us?

I’d be a glum kind of a guy had I not the comforting knowledge that evil always destroys itself. That’s the good news. The bad news is what happens in the process and the fact that evil reproduces just like anything else when the soil is right. For me the main sources are materialism, ignorance and unbridled appetite. I see most of the rest of what we collectively agree to be evil, or undesirable, as offspring and by products of these three.

It looks like Jeremiah Wright was ‘right’ and you can find, once again, a tremendous amount of argument in support of his statements by searching from that end just as you can find your way round to all of the same again by looking into David Rockefeller and his eugenics program. All roads lead to the same hellish illusion crystallizing into the shadow land of this dark moment in time.

Do I have a solution? I might have to think about that and wind up having to use an analogy or parable. Just as you can’t change someone’s mind who doesn’t want to change it, or warn someone who doesn’t want to be warned, your options for saving the world and winning the heart of the richest and most attractive girl or boy in the kingdom are limited. Metaphysics and the ancient science of ageless wisdom have answers for all of this but this isn’t the place for that and very few people have any curiosity for the deeper mysteries of life.

Let’s just say that you affect life the same way that a stone thrown into a quiet lake affects the entire surface of the lake. You do your best or you do your worst or you mostly battle with a personal inconsistency like the majority of us. There have been better times and there have been worse times but this is the time we are in. In this time, for some, it is also independently and simultaneously the best and the worst of times and they will change into one another as day follows night. The one solution I know of is that if enough people just refuse to work or participate in the mind games of the overlords then the machine will stop running. If enough people say, “Enough” and refuse to play the game, the game will come to a halt. Conversely, if enough people shut out the media it will die from lack of attention. Your attention feeds them. If enough people write in Ron Paul and Jessie Ventura and Cynthia McKinney for president; if enough people throw away their cellphones and shut off their TV’s, if enough people stop going to the movies and sporting events, if enough people stop in mid stride… who knows what will happen?

Anything noble or great has always begun within the visions and efforts of a small group of souls. It’s important to know what the right thing is ‘before’ you act. It’s important to know when to act and when not to act and when to act up. We’ve always had the ability to strike fear into the hearts of the monsters who feed upon us. We’ve always had the ability to drive a stake through the heart of the vampire. It is the conviction and courage that we lack. Somehow life finds a way to make us discover our sand. Sooner or later the truth becomes inescapable. They’re killing us in a thousand calculated, callous and ugly ways. It must not be all that bad because ignorance, appetite and materialism are dancing a jig in the town square and everybody is stamping their feet and clapping along.

Nothing More

Oh... by the way... as if I even needed to add this.
