President Bush waved after arriving Friday at the White House. In a radio address, he said his energy plans are being blocked. (HARAZ N. GHANBARI/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
The look says: "I've gotten away with so much; only one more card to play..."
Maybe this could help him. Probably not.
"Bush fails to appoint a nuclear terror czar; President leaves unfilled a congressional mandate backed by the 9/11 panel" by Bryan Bender, Globe Staff | June 22, 2008
WASHINGTON - Ten months after Congress passed a law establishing a White House coordinator for preventing nuclear terrorism, President Bush has no plans to create the high-level post any time soon, according to the National Security Council....
So an "event" BETTER NOT HAPPEN, huh?
Also see: False-Flag Terror Alert
Israel and 9/11 are Siamese Twins
Some congressional leaders said Bush's failure to fill the job nearly a year later marks an outright evasion of the law, and called on the president to fill the position swiftly, even though his administration has only seven months left in office....
That doesn't seem to have mattered before:
Amnesty Bill Covers Torturers, Too; To Be Bundled With War Supplmental (see comments)
The REAL Reason for the Spying Deal
The White House opposed creating the position from the start....
And imagine, it never got filled.
In the past, Bush has tried to bypass provisions of laws he disagrees with by issuing "signing statements," documents singling out those parts of statutes that White House lawyers advised would infringe on his constitutional powers as chief of the government's executive branch. Bush has used this practice more than any prior president.
This time, however, the White House seems to be ignoring the nuclear terrorism coordinator requirement not for constitutional reasons but simply because the administration thinks it is a bad idea. It is a stance some legal scholars called an even more blatant disregard of the checks and balances on presidential power.
And Congress rolls over again and again.
"It is one thing when the president claims it infringes on his constitutional authority," said Phillip J. Cooper, a Portland State University law professor who specializes in separation of powers issues. "It is something else altogether when no such argument is made."
"Congress has the authority to create by statute different responsibilities in executive departments," he added. "You can't ignore a valid statute. I don't think he has the authority to do that."
National security analysts have long advocated for a top presidential adviser focused solely on organizing the government to prevent terrorists from acquiring catastrophic weapons, such as a nuclear device, a radioactive "dirty bomb," or biological agents. They contend that the current arrangement - in which that responsibility is spread across the Departments of Energy, Defense, State, and Homeland Security - is not fully integrated and has gaps in preparedness....
So if one slips through, you know....
Cranking up the scare tactics -"EXCLUSIVE: Hezbollah Poised to Strike?
Reports of Hezbollah in Canada unsubstantiated: expert
And, of course, we all know whose friends they are, huh?
Advocates say the post is needed now more than ever, pointing to growing evidence - documented by international intelligence agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency - that terrorist groups are actively seeking nuclear or radiological weapons and the know-how to make them....
That would be "Al-CIA-Duh," right?
Anybody smelling a false-flag nuke attack?
And check this out (the ignoramus):
"Bush said opposition to his proposals from Democratic leaders has helped drive gas prices to record levels. "I ask them to reconsider their positions," he said. "If congressional leaders leave for the Fourth of July recess without taking action, they will need to explain why $4-a-gallon gasoline is not enough incentive for them to act."
Yeah, and YOU, sir, will have to EXPLAIN the NUKE BOMB going off in an American city, sir!!!!!
And not the FALSE-FLAG BULLSHIT you fed us last time, 'cause WE AIN'T BUYING!!!
As for the HOT FART MIST, I can't take the environment and the political shit seriously because AmeriKa is a NASCAR Nation!
Why ain't that getting shut down, and WHERE are the PROTESTERS at those events, huh?
Because it is all AGENDA-PUSHING FOOLEYS, that's why!