Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Boston Sunday Globe's Veepstakes

Front page material with lots of print.


"Clinton ends her bid, hails Obama; 'Now it's time to restore the ties'" by Sasha Issenberg, Globe Staff | June 8, 2008

WASHINGTON - Without a hint of reservation in her voice or words, Hillary Clinton formally ended her presidential campaign yesterday and endorsed Barack Obama, a onetime rival she portrayed as a joint partner in a historic quest for the presidency....

Translation: I DEMAND the VP job!

The choice of venue was conspicuous for Clinton, hampered by consistent charges from Obama that her campaign represented little more than a continuation of old-style Washington politics. She withdrew not in Arkansas or Illinois or New York, states she called home at various points - or Connecticut, Massachusetts, or Texas, where she claimed formative experiences - but in the capital, in a building that has long housed federal bureaucrats and was the site of two of her husband's inaugural celebrations.

Yesterday's event, delayed to the weekend so that more of Clinton's backers could attend, was designed in part to demonstrate the strength of the coalition that carried her throughout the long nominating contest....

Translation: I WANT VP!

By the way, they had to have the announcement there since she and Barack are meeting at Bilderberger!

One woman with a battered "Hillary" sticker on her lapel said she wanted to learn more about John McCain and was unsure about Obama. "One of the things that's obvious is we don't know a lot about him," said Lee Richmond, a 73-year-old Maryland Democrat. "Most of what I've heard him say are platitudes."

I'm really tired of these pond scum women. Pfffftt!

Also see
: Clinton's Bitter Bitches

Now the other side (Another guy who was hanging out in Virginian the last few days, too!)

"Once a rival, now a champion; Romney returns to promote McCain" by Lisa Wangsness, Globe Staff | June 8, 2008

BROOMFIELD, Colo. - .... Romney is back on the campaign trail, devoting himself full time to aiding his party and its nominee....

Charley Manning, a longtime adviser to Romney, dismissed the significance of the old animosity:

"I think John McCain's long been known as a person who has a very strong temper, and that sometimes gets the best of him."

Is that the kind of TEMPERAMENT we need in the White House now?

Especially with his hatred of Asians?

.... Romney appears to be doing everything he can to audition for the part. He has already helped raise millions for the ticket - a pair of fund-raiser in Utah with President Bush, including a $70,000-a-head dinner at Romney's Deer Valley home, netted north of $2 million. He is stumping for McCain at state party conventions in Oregon and Texas this month, and he appears as a McCain surrogate on the morning news shows. In his speeches, he has begun to adopt the hatchet-man mantle of a running mate, dismissing the likely Democratic nominee Barack Obama as "charming and well spoken," even "handsome," but far too inexperienced to be president....

The other day, Romney not only spoke at a large luncheon fund-raiser for Bill Bolling, Virginia's lieutenant governor and a leader of Romney's campaign in his state, but after it was over, he drove two hours south to a second Bolling fund-raiser outside Richmond. He stayed for another two hours, shaking hands, taking hundreds of pictures, and giving a rousing stump speech in 90-degree heat.

Bolling is not even running for reelection this year....