Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Boston Globe's Psychological Fog

And by some astronomical coincidence, the Globe contains ZERO REPORTS on Iraq and Afghanistan today.

"The psychological fog of war"

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that was a critical, self-reflecting, self-examining look at the lying, war-promoting, agenda-pushing, war-criminal AmeriKan MSM. It's about PTSD vets.


See, readers? By the time I get to the ops page, I'm sick of the bullshit agenda-pushing. That's why I rarely read ops in the papers anymore; just more unimportant bullshit shoveling if it's in the Globe.

Why should snotty shit-nose elites and their lying, horse shit opinions be any more important than mine?

Answer: They are not (and thanks for reading me, reader).

And do you think they would deign to cover SOMETHING IMPORTANT?

"National Briefing | Washington: Kucinich Seeks to Impeach Bush" by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Representative Dennis J. Kucinich, Democrat of Ohio, defied his party leadership on Monday by calling for the impeachment of President Bush for starting the war in Iraq — but his move was not expected to go anywhere.

They can't even report it with impartiality -- while sucking Bush cock at the same time.

Good trick, NYT!

Mr. Kucinich, a former presidential candidate, outlined his intention to propose more than two dozen charges against Mr. Bush on the floor of the House. He accused Mr. Bush of executing a "calculated and wide-ranging strategy" to deceive citizens and Congress into believing that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States.

They didn't get the illegal spying stuff or the torture into the BRIEF!

(Blogger just shaking his head. Fuck you, NYT!)

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly said she opposes trying to remove Mr. Bush, calling such an effort divisive and most likely unsuccessful."

Then it is TIME to REMOVE HER!!!!

And isn't this little event interesting?

"Kucinich: 'Suspicious Circumsances' Made My Website Crash"

To bad the Globe or Times sites never crash -- and yet, who would notice?

Only me.