Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Boston Globe Defends Dogshit

One wonders why the DemocraPs did this unless, of course, the politics is all bullshit fooleys.

"House bill extends protection for VP"

"Vice President Dick Cheney would be shielded by the Secret Service for at least six months after he leaves office under legislation the House passed yesterday. The measure, approved by voice vote after being endorsed by Democrats and Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee last month, would write into law the practice of extending protections for the vice president and his family immediately after his term ends. The bill has yet to be considered in the Senate (AP)."

Why should TAXPAYERS have to shovel out more money for these criminals?

What, his Halliburton and KBR stocks not make him enough $$$?

The only "protection" Cheney deserves is a prison guard.

"Not all of our vice presidents had a front-row seat "by Peter S. Canellos, Globe Staff | June 10, 2008

Peter S. Canellos is the Globe's Washington bureau chief. National Perspective is his weekly analysis of events in the capital and beyond.

Yeah, type his name into my blog search and see what comes up.

WASHINGTON - .... The mere notion that the vice president - let alone the vice president's spouse - would be able to set up shop in the White House is a recent phenomenon....

Obama, in discussing how he would set up his administration, recently cited Lincoln - his great hero - as a model, praising Lincoln's willingness to allow political rivals to take powerful jobs during his presidency....

Change we can believe in?

And the reason, of course, is that Dick Cheney has vastly expanded the powers of the vice presidency. In functioning as a prime minister - visiting Capitol Hill for private sessions with Republican senators to enforce the administration's legislative priorities, then riding herd on the executive branch to adhere to the president's agenda - Cheney has created a role that some scholars began envisioning for the vice president decades ago.

The fact that Cheney has combined his prime ministership with a horse whisperer's role as Bush's private counsel, while also performing some of the traditional partisan tasks of a vice president, has given him an air of undue influence.

Yes, he doesn't HAVE such influence, Canellos tries to infer.

Gimme a fucking break, will ya, MSM?

The claim is persuasive until one considers that Cheney was at least elected; past presidential advisers who were accused of having undue influence - from Henry Kissinger to Hillary Clinton herself - were not.

Pffffft! Unreal!


So even Cheney haters can take some solace in the fact that the expanded vice presidency that he's created may ultimately serve as a counterweight to presidential power.

So Cheney's FASCIST TOTALITARIANISM is a GOOD THING, according to Canellos.

And WHERE was the concern about presidential power the last seven years, Pete, as Bush has consolidated his dictatorial powers?

Now that voters assume that the vice president matters, presidential nominees are under much more pressure to choose people of substance, since vice presidential nominees will be vetted accordingly.

Pfffft!!! I get so tired of the fucking bullshit propaganda, I really do.

This from an "expert!"

Then, if the president tries to cast out his or her veep, the absence will be more noticeable - and the vice president will have electoral legitimacy in playing a role in setting the administration's policies.

An expanded vice presidency may ultimately benefit the country, even if it makes it harder this summer for Obama and John McCain to find suitable running mates."

Ultimately? I thought you said it ALREADY WAS because of Dogshit, Pete?

WTF?! Hey, is it true Cheney cums dogshit out his peter, Pete?