"Some of the women were scared of the gunfire or couldn't hold the rifle correctly. After three weeks, they still hadn't mastered marching in straight lines."
I'm sick of the racist, sexist, Muslim-hating, Zionist shit press, America!
"Iraqi women take aim at expanded police roles; Academy giving weapons training" by Anna Johnson, Associated Press | September 15, 2008
UDAIM, Iraq - Some are widows whose husbands were killed by militants. Others have disabled husbands and relatives who can't work after being wounded in violence since the 2003 US-led invasion. All need steady paychecks to support their children.
That's LIBERATION, huh?
Abdalla's husband was kidnapped in 2006 in Diyala. She never saw his body but was later told he was killed. "I must support my daughter, because I don't have anyone to take care of us," Abdalla said. "But I want to also prove that we have the right, as women in the society, to work as policewomen."
Yup, there are your WOMEN'S RIGHTS and LIBERATIONS!!!!
I'm SO SICK of the ZIONIST SHIT-SHOVEL of propaganda I can hardly take it anymore.
The training has not been without its glitches. During their first time at the firing range, some of the women were scared of the gunfire or couldn't hold the rifle correctly. After three weeks, they still hadn't mastered marching in straight lines.
Yup, these ladies are just a bunch of IGNORANT, STOO-PID MUSLIMS who can't even march in a straight line!!

Iraqi female police recruits await target practice last week at a police academy in Udaim, north of Baghdad. (Anna Johnson/Associated Press)
I get tired of the RECYCLED PROPAGANDA, folks!!!
As for the "female suiciders" and the rest of that HOLY HORSESHIT, go here and check links.
As for the "marching in a straight line" bit, at least AMERIKAN KIDS CAN DO THAT!!!
It will be NEEDED during the upcoming DRAFT, kiddies!!!!