Monday, September 22, 2008

McCain Attacks New York Times

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!!!

What an ungrateful asshole!!!

After the Times
sat on this story for you, McCain?

Whatever happened to
that girl, anyway?

"McCain Camp Goes To War With New York Times

It is a truism of modern campaigns that Republican candidates will take umbrage with perceived liberal media bias. And often, the target of their condemnation is the New York Times, a paper of record but nevertheless the scourge of many a conservative.

John McCain was different. He enjoyed close relations with much of the fourth estate and, it was reported, took particular delight in winning plaudits from editorial boards, including that of the Times.

That McCain is no longer. Today, the Arizona Republican's presidential campaign went to war with the Grey Lady. Asked to respond to an article that brought to light the fact that McCain campaign manager Rick Davis had earned nearly $2 million in lobbying fees from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (based, almost primarily, on his access to McCain) at the same time that he was attacking Barack Obama for his own ties to those very institutions, aides to McCain went off.

"We are first amendment absolutists on this campaign and the press and everyone who wishes to cover this race from a blogosphere and media perspective is constitutionally protected to write whatever they want," said Steve Schmidt, the campaign's chief strategist. "But whatever the New York Times once was, it is today not by any standard a journalistic organization. It is a pro-Obama advocacy organization that every day attacks the McCain campaign, attacks Gov. Palin and excuses Sen. Obama. There is no public vetting... there is no level of outrage directed at his deceitful ads... This is an organization that is completely and totally 150 percent in the tank for the Democratic candidate.... Everything that is read in the New York Times should be evaluated by the American people from that perspective. It is an organization that has made a decision to cast aside its journalistic integrity and advocate for the defeat of one candidate and the election of another."


Davis is right about the New York Times, but for the wrong reasons.

I hardly find them to be pro-Obama, dork!

See: Israel Writes The New York Times News Pages

The New York Times: Israel's Mouthpiece

New York Times Admits Israel Controls U.S.

The New York Times Tells Another War-Mongering Lie