Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fiorina Calls U.S. President a Figurehead

She is right about that; however, you didn't do such a good job running HP into the ground either, Carly!!!! Aren't these comments a bit of a pot-kettle situation??

"Palin's Favorability Ratings Begin to Falter

Andrew Romano
September 16, 2008


McCain's Victory 2008 chair Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, tells a St. Louis radio host that Palin would've been unqualified to lead HP--a slightly less demanding role than leading the free world. Today's exchange:

HOST: "Do you think she has the experience to run a major company like Hewlett Packard?"

FIORINA: "No, I don't. But that's not what she's running for."

Not the end of the world, obviously (Fiorina went on to say that Obama is even less prepared). Still, not the message the McCain campaign wants to be sending.

UPDATE, 5:47 p.m.: On MSNBC, Fiorina explains what she meant:

I don't think John McCain could run a major corporation. I don't think Barack Obama could run a major corporation. I don't think Joe Biden could. But it is not the same as being the president or vice president of the United States. It is a fallacy to suggest that the country is like a company, so of course, to run a business, you have to have a lifetime of experience in business, but that's not what Sarah Palin, John McCain, Barack Obama or Joe Biden are doing.


Time to VOTE Ventura/Paul, readers (did you see MY POLL on the top-right my blog?)!!!!!