After the way they treated him in the primaries, I'm a tad offended at the coverage now.
Unless.... the MSM wants to get on board the PAUL-PALIN TICKET!!!!
"THE INSURGENTS: "Paul, thousands hold counter rally; Congressman blasts GOP, Democrats" by Brian C. Mooney, Globe Staff | September 3, 2008
I already don't like the tone of the piece.
Do they look like "insurgents" to you?

Joyous Ron Paul supporters lined the street yesterday in front of the Target Convention Center in Minneapolis. Paul appeared on stage to the roars of fervent followers, most of whom traveled long distances and waited as long as eight hours to see him. (John Tlumacki/Globe Staff)
Readers, they look like YOU or ME!!!!!
MINNEAPOLIS - Ron Paul's insurgent campaign for the Republican presidential nomination ended months ago, but his self-styled revolution continued yesterday, as thousands of his devotees gathered at a counter rally in Minneapolis - a libertarian-leaning counterpoint to the Republican National Convention unfolding across the Mississippi River in St. Paul.
Mixing elements of a revival, a rock concert, and a political rally, Paul appeared on stage at the Target Center to the roars of fervent followers, most of whom traveled long distances and waited as long as eight hours to see him.
"It's amazing because, believe it or not, I still think of myself as a country doctor who has gone to Congress, and I'm a quiet congressman from Texas," Paul said. "But in the past 18 months, it was discovered that the ideas of liberty and the revolution were alive and well and we're celebrating it here tonight."
When he criticized US fiscal policy - the federal monetary system, heavy government borrowing, and deficit spending - the crowd erupted in loud chants of "End the Fed!" the Federal Reserve System that expands the supply of money.
Paul criticized the Patriot Act and the extension of government power, and tore into President Bush's foreign policy and the principle of "preventive war - actually starting wars." He drew cheers when he declared, "We do not need a national ID card," and condemned the war on drugs as "a total failure."
Paul, among the top fund-raisers during the GOP primary, has refused to endorse John McCain, the GOP's nominee, and told reporters before his "Rally for the Republic" that he would not attend the convention. Paul said the party denied him a speaking role and told him his activity during the gathering would be restricted.
He's a frikkin' SITTING CONGRESSMAN for God's sakes!!!!
That's why no vote for McCain!!!!
Paul's disciples came from all walks of life, a mix of young and old, sharing Paul's opposition to the war in Iraq and to the expansion of the power and reach of government. Some wore three-cornered hats, while others wore lanyards bearing credentials for the Republican convention.
Over the weekend, about 600 participated in a day-long training session for political organizers, part of Paul's effort to create a permanent grass-roots movement around his issues and kick off his "Campaign for Liberty."
A parade of speakers criticized the Bush administration and the Democratic Party, and some took direct shots at McCain. Jesse Ventura, the former Minnesota governor and one-time professional wrestler, stoked the crowd, declaring he was neither a Democrat nor a Republican and hinting at a political comeback. He declared that "these two parties are destroying our country" by driving the national debt over $9 trillion.
Of course, the MSM press wouldn't go near the 9/11 remarks.
Doug Wead, a political author and historian, challenged the GOP to remember its origins, playing on Paul's name. "Tonight John McCain will be in St. Paul, but Saint Paul will be here in Minneapolis. . . . I say to the Republicans across the river, come home, come back," Wead declared, to a standing ovation. "This is where you started, these are your roots."
Other speakers included Gary Johnson, former Republican governor of New Mexico; Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform; Barry Goldwater Jr., former Arizona congressman; and John McManus, president of the John Birch Society, who said there are plans to merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a "North American Union" and then join with the European Union.
Nothing about Lew Rockwell, Bill Kaufman or Bruce Fein, Boston Globe?
That figures!!!!
Organizers said they sold more than 10,000 tickets to the event in the arena that is home to the NBA's Minnesota Timberwolves.
Paul's supporters came from all over the country for the event. "I'm looking for the roots of our party and I think this is where it is," said Kathryn Isenberger of Golden, Colo., an alternate delegate to the GOP convention.
Isenberger, 58, said she is a lifelong Republican but not sure who she will vote for in November, though McCain's selection of Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate "changes my outlook."
Look at them shovel this junk!!!!
Joe Bradley, a 42-year-old construction equipment operator and pool hall owner from Collinsville, Alaska, said Paul is the first candidate he has ever supported. "I want to get all our troops out of foreign countries, and I want to go back to the gold standard," he said.
Eric Stein and his fiancee, Katie Richter, both of Newport, Ky., attended the weekend organizer training sessions. Richter described herself as "loosely a Democrat" until she learned about Paul, while Stein said he may vote for Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr, a former GOP congressman from Georgia, in November.
Yup, me, too!