Friday, April 4, 2008

The AmeriKan MSM and the Day King Died

I haven't posted all day for several reasons.

One is I am absolutely exhausted by the baloney.

The propaganda and lies just never stop, and I am only one human being.

The fact of the matter is all this crap has ruined my life. It has left me spiritually destroyed and financially bankrupt.

It has destroyed my hopes and dreams, and left in a state of frustration.

Despite all my tireless and laborious efforts, I'm about ready to throw in the towel.

What got me today was every time I breezed past the cable channels there was a MLK memorial story.

And, not surprisingly, the AmeriKan MSM ONCE AGAIN MISSES the POINT!!

Yes, Dr. King worked tirelessly on the civil rights issue, and yes he achieved some successes (hard to see it these days, but...).

But the DIVISIVE, AGENDA-PUSHING AmeriKan MSM has turned his memory into a RACE thing, not a PEACE thing.

Not surprising at all, but it IRRITATES ME!!!

By the time he was shot, Dr. King was TRANSCENDING the RACE ISSUE (sort of like Obama is now) and was working for NON-VIOLENCE and AGAINST WAR!!!

But SOMEHOW, the divisive, war-promoting, agenda-pushing AmeriKan MSM MISSED THAT!!!

Then they have the nerve to imply conspiracies surrounding the shooting without investigating it at all.

So, readers, in addition to not posting all day, I didn't purchase a Boston Globe, nor did go to the websites (this from a DECADES-LONG CONSUMER).

Why bother with AmeriKa's MSM when all they do is tell lies, distort issues, push an agenda and confuse minds?

Also see:
Martin Luther King Day