Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Occupation Iraq: $178 Billion More

You know the drill, America. Drop trou and spread 'em.

I don't need to comment on this one; the bloggers say it all.

"“Anti-war” Democrats to give Bush another $178 billion for war"

"House Democratic leaders are crafting a war-spending bill valued at $178 billion, the largest ever.

Democrats want to fund the war against Iraq and Afghanistan through the end of the Bush presidency, and for six months into Hillary’s term.

The bill’s main champion is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Jewish) whose San Francisco constituents are overwhelmingly anti-war.
Last week Larry King told Pelosi on CNN, "Your party became the majority in the House by pledging to end the war. That didn't happen."
Pelosi responded:
"It didn't happen because we had hoped the president would listen to the will of the people and at least be willing to compromise on how the war is conducted and some timetable for redeployment of our troops."
"Democrats are the biggest hypocrites in the world," said Medea Benjamin, the San Francisco-based founder of the anti-war group CodePink. "They paint the Republicans as warmongers, yet they keep funding the war.”
Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/04/28/"

"2006 primary election mandate by the voters ingored...

Typical crooked politicians. The voters picked the Democrats for HOR and Senate seats as a mandate to pull the troops and end the war, yet the will of the People is ignored.

This means they are the aiders to the treason in prolonging the wars that severely harm the economy and dollar value.

Political change web site "Kick Them All Out" to take back the Congress already corrupted by lobbying arms for corporate fat cats and Israel."

"Next stop, Tehran

178 billion is one helluva chunk of change, one of the largest, if not the largest supplemental Iraq war funding request to date.

Some of that will be used to launch the war against Iran, to keep the Israelis happy.

Just like the Bush/Cheney Junta misspent funds destined for Afghanistan and diverted that money to the upcoming war against Iraq, which, at the time, they were telling everyone they had no intention of invading Iraq.

And like now, when they have been telling us gullible foolhardy Americans that they have no intention of invading Iran.

Does the NeoCON, Zionist and Israeli blood lust never cease or is it like some huge flesh eating monster, that must be constantly fed to appease its appetite?

As for Pelosi, she's a despicable, two-faced, lying bitch."