Why is it that the AmeriKan MSM is filled with garbage propaganda, readers, while the BLOGS tell the TRUTH?
WAKE UP about IRAQ, Americans!!!!
"The bizarre case of Zapata Engineering, murdered U.S. Marines and Iraqi IED's"
"What country would have an interest in hiring a mercenary company to shoot at Iraqi's and US Marines? This same company was given a lucrative contract to "manage" ammunition storage depots containing captured Iraqi munitions.
Some of these captured munitions, more than likely, have been used as IED's to attack American patrols in Iraq, with the American MSM pointing the blame for those attacks at Iran.
What nation would benefit from having America stay in Iraq for an indefinite period, helping secure that nation's prosperity and safety?
Part of the riddle is answered by looking at the company, Zapata Engineering, who had 19 of their contractors arrested in Iraq for spraying small-arms fire at Iraqi civilians and U.S. forces from their cars in Fallujah on May 28, 2005.
The Marines did not take this incident lightly and gave chase to these armed thugs, eventually stopping and arresting them.
They were taken into custody and a lawyer hired by some of the men, Mark Schopper, says "Marines put their knees on the backs of their necks and ripped off religious medallions."
Religious medallions? As in the Star of David?
Not to fear, the company spokesperson, Gail Rosenberg , says the incident will be investigated. Uh-huh.
After being held for three days, these hired guns, who had been seen shooting at Marines and Iraqi civilians, were let go to vanish from Iraq.
Only three days? Some Iraqi civilians have been languishing in American run prisons for years only on suspicion and these jokers get out in three days?
Who has the power to pull these strings and whitewash incidents?
Again, what ME country is benefiting from the carnage and destruction of one of their avowed "existential" enemies?
Here's a hint: This same country has launched a full scale media campaign against another of their "existential" enemies, Iran, in order to get the U.S. to fight another war for this nation.
Still don't know the name of that nation?

Here's another clue:
However, the alleged Israeli engineers have now been fingered for sniping at U.S. Soldiers and the murder of two female American Marines who had their throats slit and then placed in garbage dumps.
These female Marines had been investigating the origins of the I.E.D. (Improvised Explosives Devices). And of course it gets worse. It can now be reported that the origin of the I.E.D.’s, come not from Iran, but come from Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Hawaii and Tel Aviv.
And now of course, it really gets worse. The projectiles discovered by American Special Forces have depleted uranium tips which connects directly to the Israeli company Rafael, which of course is owned by Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Hawaii and Tel Aviv.
Connect the dots, from the munitions allegedly "guarded" by a firm with links to Tel Aviv, with their employees shooting at both Iraqi civilians and U.S. Marines, to the female Marines who were investigating the origin of the IED's who were murdered to the real reason the USA is in Iraq and all the dots lead to Israel."
I'm also going to add my links, readers:
Occupation Iraq: Israeli-Trained Death Squads
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
Prop 102: Iraq and Government Lies
Who Invented "Al-CIA-Duh?
"Al-CIA-Duhs" Catch-and-Release Program
Asymmetrical Warfare Group
Operation Gladio
Operation Northwoods
Occupation Iraq: British Bombers
Occupation Iraq: America's Roadside Bombs
Salvador Option
Special Police Commandos
Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group
Prop 201 tutorial
How much more evidence do you need, readers?
Marines suspect Mossad
Zapata Corporation
Mosul Mess Hall Bombing
Israel tears Iraq apart
Israeli Advisors - Too Close For Comfort
Two Undercover Agents Rescued by British May Have Been Israelis
Car Bomb Kills Five Marines
Who Was Behind The Killing Of Six Female Marines?
Who Are these Snipers Killing Marines In Iraq?
Israelis Kill Fifty Arabs With Car Bombs
Mossad Destroys 1200 Year Old Shrine