Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rev. Wright and Rebates

I've reached the limit on the AmeriKan MSM, readers. Seeing them push the agenda by obsessing about Rev. Wright today just ended it for me.

I watched some of his speech last night (it was breaking news), and I didn't find anything wrong with it. He was energetic and entertaining.

And what did he say that wasn't true? People just don't like hearing it.

Then there was the question of the tax rebates. These dinks on C(IA)NN pushing the "what are you going to do" with the money bit.

Yup, reminding us how generous and magnanimous our looting, lying, war-promoting government is to us rubes in America. And, of course, you have to pay your 2007 taxes to get your kickback, er, "rebate."

The analysts are total elitists, too. One said you should cut 10% out of it and spend it, period. So what is 60 bucks going to get me? Dinner and a movie?

Then the Velshi guy tried to imply that you should spend the money to DO YOUR PART for the economy like everyone else has. If you were being PATRIOTIC like everyone else, then you will SPEND the money to help the economy. This from the guy who applauds BANK BAILOUTS in the BILLIONS while the American people take a gas pump up the ass.

Then it was back to Rev. Wright, Rev. Wright, Rev. Wright.

What it proves to me is that America is now AmeriKa!! It is BEYOND BELIEF and QUITE SURREAL that you CAN'T SPEAK the TRUTH in AmeriKa!!! I really can't describe the feeling, readers, and it is QUITE MADDENING!!!

Therefore, readers, I am sick of the condescending, manipulative, lying agenda-pushing of the AmeriKan MSM. I know what it is now, I know what agendas they are promotoing and I know they exist to divide and lie to us!

As the Wright flap was on, I was wonder where the coverage of Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Kurdistan, and so many other places and things that the MSM agenda-pushers rarely cover. Or if they do cover them, the reports are so warped and distorted it is infuriating.

And the sad fact is, I'll never be satisfied because those Zionist-controlled shit organs have been lying for so long, they can't tell the truth. They will continue to push garbage war propaganda and divisive issues!

If the American people are of one mind on an issue (80% against Iraq now), then the MSM will make it go away. Hence, Rev. Wright, Rev. Wright, Rev. Wright.

That's why you get all the bullshit political fooleys that mean nothing, and that's why the New York Times
lost 4% of its circulation this quarter!

I HELPED! My New Year's resolution was no more purchasing of the NYT, and I HAVEN'T!!

Anyhow, readers, I don't know how much longer I can continue to post MSM. The rage they are engendering in me is becoming painful and unhealthy. I don't like be lied to and fucked over; no one does.

I'm not going back or retracting any of my screeds because they are all true and appropriate; however, I may be cutting back on the commentaries. I just wanted to get these thoughts out as an independent commentary, readers.

As a final thought, I want to CONDEMN the ENABLERS and COLLABORATORS of the AmeriKan MSM for their COMPLICITY and FACILITATION of WAR CRIMES. Even when they cover something good, they are one-day stories -- and then it is back to the pro-Zionist, anti-Muslim, racist, agenda-pushing propaganda.

And that's why I think America is sunk. The AmeriKan MSM has failed the American people, and we are in real trouble because they won't tell you we are in real trouble.

That is why YOU and I are HERE, readers. I see my profile views and my poll results (one reason I put them up) on the rise, and I thank you for that.

Be well, readers, and let us pray that these diabolical monsters of America's MSM and government are soon brought to justice.

I've done all the rest, and am not trying to be negative, but after years of calls to Congress (answered with silence), the protests (government not listening) and the letter-writing to the papers (waste of time), I don't see the change.


Again, readers, be well and PEACE!!!!