"This is what Israel is doing to the children of Palestine; America, are you listening?"
"April 9, 2008
On Sunday (April 6th) when I was surfing the net, I came upon an article that stated that the day before, Saturday April 5th, was Palestinian Children's Day. With heart sunk that I had missed the day I "surfed" more, only to find that I could NOT find any celebrations of this day this year, although I did find Annie's post which has this to say " Today we celebrate the Palestinian child, despite there being little cause for celebration…"
As a mother my heart sank further. Why hasn't this day been commemorated this year with celebrations, but I knew the answer. How can you celebrate when Palestinian children are living in such misery.
Upon "surfing" for this post when googling "Palestinian Children's Day", there is more,:
Uruknet: "Israeli Siege Kills Five Palestinian Patients In One Day". Among them: " 16-year-old child called Mahmoud was also among the five siege victims who died today after doctors failed to procure chemical medicines for his cancer disease."
IMEMC: "Special Report on World Health Day: Palestinian Detainees Still Facing Slow Death". In this article which reports on the torture, medical neglectand inhumane and ILLEGAL treatment of Palestinian detainees, it also states: "
16. Female detainees are not provided with specialized physicians. Some of the detainees are pregnant or gave birth in prison but are not receiving the needed food and medical attention that the mother and the child need.
17. Several detainees who gave birth in prison were tied to their beds during delivery. Some of the detainees who gave birth in prison were identified as; Manal Ghanim , Khawla Zeitawi, and Samar Sbei
On this day, April 9th, it is the anniversary of the massacre of Deir Yassin. From Electronic Intifada one reads: " Fahimi Zidan, a Palestinian child who survived by hiding under his parents' bodies, recalled: "The Jews ordered [us] ... to line up against the wall ... started shooting ... all ... were killed: my father ... mother ... grandfather and grandmother ... uncles and aunts and some of their children ... Halim Eid saw a man shoot a bullet into the neck of my sister ... who was ... pregnant. Then he cut her stomach open with a butcher's knife ... In another house, Naaneh Khalil ... saw a man take a ... sword and slash my neighbor ..." [3]
From the April 7th edition of Yemen Times there is "Crushed Childhoods: Cruel Choices". In part this article reads, "Palestinians were once reputed as being among the best educated in the Middle East; today, after years of violence, closure, and poverty, their proud tradition of educational excellence has been shattered. Almost 2,000 children in Gaza have dropped out of school in the last five months. Those that remain must share tattered textbooks and do without crucial resources. The January 2008 semester exams at UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) schools in Gaza found fifty to sixty per cent failure rates in mathematics, and forty per cent failure rate in Arabic – the children’s native language. Despite this, Ayman insists, "I want to be an educated person. I want to be an engineer to build my country."
From Palestine Media Center (Apr 7): "Israel Kills More Than 50 Palestinian Children in 2008"
Ironically there is a Palestine, Texas also, so when "surfing" "Palestine", I come across articles which strike me always, because what is going on in Palestine, Texas, is a FAR cry from what is going on in Palestine. America's children are not always safe, especially those living in poverty and the inner cities, the "forgotten children" of the "Greatest Nation on Earth". But for those in Palestine ,Texas, this last Saturday, they celebrated "Healthy Kids Day" at their local YMCA.
This is the sadness and rage in my heart at all times, my country is ultimately responsible for what is happening in Palestine. Without the massive US aide given to Israel, this would NOT be happening. If my country applied what are SUPPOSEDLY our American values to the Palestinian/Israeli situation, we would NOT be looking the other way when Israel commits these atrocities.
America has children. We ADORE our children. Yet we support a country which has NO regard for the precious lives of Palestinian children.
This is what Israel is doing to the children of Gaza. America, are you listening?"
Also see: Israel's Spy Kids
Pictures From Palestine
A Picture Worth A Million Words
A Picture Worth a Million Words, Part II
Look Into Her Eyes....
The Little Girl in the Dark
Billions of Words Aren't Enough