Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Romney Letters

"Immigration and the 'gotcha' story" December 8, 2007

"RE "MORE immigrant woes for Romney" (Page A1, Dec. 5): Dressing a nasty bit of "gotcha" journalism as an investigative piece did little for the paper and less for the immigrants it threw under the bus.

There was no need for the reporters to hunt down the lawn workers and ask their name, age, and country of origin, then connect that to their legal status.

Intended or not, your reporters held enough sway to get information from those men that could get them thrown in jail three weeks before Christmas, all to get a sexy story about Mitt Romney.

You employ unnamed sources for Beltway stories, but did not extend the courtesy to two taxpaying men making $10 an hour, working 12-hour days - men who might not understand their right to withhold their name, at that.

Further, under federal law, an employee must fill out a form that requires proof of his or her eligibility to work in this country. In this situation, that responsibility falls squarely with the owner of the lawn company, not Romney.

Frankly, I doubt any of the Romneys ever even met any of the lawn workers.


The writer is an immigration attorney.

A LANDSCAPING company hired by Mitt Romney used illegal immigrants without his knowledge, and this is news? Romney's only mistake was to give this company a second chance after he first found out that it employed illegal immigrants.

The real issues are why are these illegal immigrants still in this country, and whether they been reported to immigration so that they can be sent back to their homeland. Also, do Globe editors check the immigration status of landscaping, painting, and construction workers they hire? Will that information make the front page as well?

JOHN TOTO, Wayland"

That's sort of what I thought, too!

Mitt the Hypocritt

After all, we all know the Globe likes McCain and Hates Mitt.

Boston Globe Chooses McCain Over Mitt