Saturday, December 8, 2007

MSM Pushes the Environment Scare

Which is why I'm not buying it, and why I go to the blogs for my information now!

Top UN scientist says cities, states have roles in cutting emissions

BALI, Indonesia - Despite the Bush administration's reluctance, US states and cities could make an American national commitment to a new global agreement to cut greenhouse gases, the chief UN climate scientist said yesterday.

In an interview, Rajendra Pachauri, whose Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shared this year's Nobel Peace Prize with former vice president Al Gore, sees an alternative if the administration does not commit to certain actions: direct action by states and communities:

"The sum total of that would amount to a commitment, you could say, equivalent to a national commitment."

Gonna fuck us both ways at the same time!

Top-down global government combined with brainwashed locals up our asses and in our lungs.

That breath is going to cost you, readers!

What happens when you can't afford air, readers?

Presidential candidates in both the Republican and Democratic parties favor mandatory caps on US emissions, and a US Senate committee approved a bill Wednesday that would - if not vetoed by Bush - impose a cap-and-trade system nationwide.

Watch the asshole globalist Bush sign it for "legacy" reasons!

Heard it here first, readers!

Why would the MSM doubt his word and veto, readers?

Think about it. Foreshadowing something, are they?

China asserted yesterday that the United States and other wealthy nations should bear the burden of curbing global warming, saying the problem was created by their lavish way of life. It rejected mandatory emission cuts for its own developing industries.

Not mine!!! But I'm going to have to pay anyway?

When it is the stinkshit avarice of the richers and the war-makers that has caused the disparities?

Su Wei, a top climate scientist for China's government attending the conference, said it is unfair to ask developing nations to accept binding emissions cuts and other restrictions being pushed for already industrialized states.

He said the United States and its fellow industrial nations have long spewed greenhouse gases into the atmosphere while newly emerging economies have done so for only a few decades.

Su: "China is in the process of industrialization and there is a need for economic growth to meet the basic needs of the people and fight against poverty."

While many scientists believe China has surpassed the United States as the world's top emitter of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases, Su noted the Chinese population is far bigger and said America's emissions per person are six times higher than in China:

"I think there is much room for the United States to think whether it's possible to change [its] lifestyle and consumption patterns in order to contribute to the protection of the global climate."

So it's all America's fault! And DOWN goes your standard of living, Amurkns, while your TAX BILLS SKYROCKET!

That's the GLOBALIST PLAN, folks!


Of course, the NYT helps push the agenda with its National Report lead:

Efforts to Harvest Ocean’s Energy Open New Debate Front

Cases closed, readers!