"Well you have to give Israel credit for finally going public with its racism and hatred for Palestinians, which appears to know no boundaries. The Nazi Zionist Tourist Board of Israel has begun a new campaign in London, to bring racists, I mean tourists, to Israel. I suppose they only want "one kind" of tourist, judging from their new map of Israel. Looking at the new posters, which have begun to appear all over the London Underground, And Golly Gee, guess what? Israel owns everything,including the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, all of it. Israel's wet dream on paper and in living colour, BUT you can do something about it, keep reading after viewing the "new" map below.

Please write to London Underground, the Advertising Standards Agency and CBS Outdoors – the company which manages the poster sites – asking for the removal of these posters, which deliberately deny the existence of Palestine.
Contact details follow: