"Rangers Talk to Man in Polygamist Probe"
".... Tela Mange, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, offered few details of the interview between Barlow and Texas Rangers.
"We have not made an arrest in this case and may not necessarily make one today," she said.
Yeah, from what CNN said this morning, they HAVE NO EVIDENCE!!!
One begins to wonder whether there was a call at all, or was that just the excuse they gave to raid the place!
Child welfare officials seized 416 children, most of them girls, in the raid on the compound, saying the youngsters were in danger of physical, emotional and sexual abuse."
I really don't know what to believe anymore, readers, but one thing I do not believe is a lying, shithole police-state of a government and their shit-spewing mouthpieces of the MSM anymore!!!!
Oh, and the second top story on CNN this morning?
Dr. Phil bailing out some teenager from jail!!!!