Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Why the IRS Should Be Shut Down

If for no other reason...

"IRS computers not secure, report finds"

"One more tax-season dread: A week before the filing deadline, Treasury watchdogs said yesterday that poor controls over IRS computers could allow a disgruntled employee, agency contractor, or outside hacker to steal taxpayers' confidential information. Indeed, a hacker might even "gain full control of the IRS network," said a report yesterday from the office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Investigators did not cite any specific cases of wrongdoing within the IRS. But they suggested a lack of review means someone could get sensitive information and no one would ever know (AP)."

This from the government that worships infinite databases and endless spying on its citizens!

If you can't protect the material, you don't deserve to have it.

Sig Heil!!!