Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Texas Test

You understand what this is about, right, readers?

About seeing what kind of resistance the American public has to the state taking its children?

What better way to sell it to the American people than a crazy sex cult?

My question is this: What are you going to do, American parents, when they come get your kid for the draft?

Think you will protest?

Too late; that's what the Halliburton camps are for. Not everyone will resist the draft.

Just remember this point in time, America, and remember I said this!

As the BLOGS brought to OUR ATTENTION today

"TX ACLU is concerned the basic rights of the children and mothers connected to polygamist ranch were violated during recent raid and custody hearing"

Did you see all the related links on that post, readers?!

I suggest you give it the ol' click-click then!!!!

This next blogger asks a very pertinent question.

"Are the Amish Next?"

"Anyone honestly think those kidnapped children are safer in the hands of the jack booted thugs of the state of Texas??? And why would we believe a word the state sanctioned propaganda machine tells us about this? Yeah, they really needed to storm those people homes with tanks and full body armor and automatic weapons... against a group of UNARMED, devout christian men, women and CHILDREN. Those children look like happy, healthy, well cared for, well loved, VIBRANT kids to me... who should I believe, them or my lying eyes?? Think they would hesitate to do the same to you and yours? We let them get away with waco and ruby ridge. Will we let them get away with this fresh insult to our cinstitution? It is obscene...."

Fantastic observations right there!!!

Oh, and about those schools you are sending your kids to attend:

"'Eating disorders fuelled by teachers'"

SCHOOL healthy eating schemes to tackle obesity are driving teenage girls towards eating disorders, according to new research.

Attempts to drum home healthy eating message were making pupils acutely aware of their weight and inadvertently driving some to potentially dangerous behaviour, the Loughborough University researchers said."

"Why parents are still better than state schools.

You hear that, Texas????" -- Mike Rivero of whatreallyhappened.com

Also see: My Take on Texas Totalitarianism

Telescoping the Texas Tragedy

The Tall Tales of Texas