Story stinks a little to me, readers, because I no longer believe the AmeriKan media or government.
Too much proof to the contrary!
Sure did get the guy easy enough...
"Journalist freed after two months of captivity"
".... There were no major clashes reported yesterday in Sadr City or Basra, 250 miles south of Baghdad. At least 26 Iraqis died in bomb blasts and other violence around Baghdad and in the northern city of Mosul.
The US military reported the deaths of three soldiers in attacks yesterday. Two were killed when their vehicle was blasted by a roadside bomb in northeastern Baghdad, and the third died in Salahuddin province northwest of Baghdad...."
Yeah, the freeing of the reporter is much more important -- to the stinking elite MSM press!
Update: They must have missed this...

"More than 55 people were killed in three car bomb attacks across Iraq today, including two blasts near restaurants filled with lunchtime crowds in Sunni Arab cities that had been relatively calm.
In one of the deadliest moments in months, a car bomb exploded outside a courthouse and the offices of the provincial government in Baquba, the capital of Diyala province, north of Baghdad, leaving at least 40 dead and another 80 wounded. A busy restaurant was also close by.
The sheer number of victims, among them women and children, left emergency services struggling to cope. Dr Ahmed Fuad, at a local hospital, said that most of the dead were "burnt beyond recognition".
One witness described seeing a huge fire that sent black smoke billowing into the sky. Passing cars were set ablaze, trapping drivers and their passengers in a deadly inferno. Several stores and the restaurant were badly damaged, with glass strewn across the street.
The US military condemned the bombing, which it said killed 36 and wounded 67, but emphasised that the security situation was improving.... Underscoring the fragility of the gains, however, a suicide car bomb shattered a fragile peace that had settled across Ramadi, the capital of central Anbar province.... At least 13 people were killed and a further 14 people were wounded in the blast that went off outside a kebab restaurant west of the city centre.
Baghdad was also shaken after a car bomb targeting a police patrol left three people dead and eight injured..... In addition, at least 12 people were wounded when twin car bombs exploded in quick succession as a US military and Iraqi patrol in Iraq's main northern city of Mosul.
Operations are continuing in Basra, where the British hostage Richard Butler was rescued from a house by Iraqi soldiers yesterday after two months in captivity....
Security forces are also battling armed gangs in the Baghdad Shia slum of Sadr City, an al-Mahdi Army bastion. Police said six people died and 26 were wounded in clashes overnight. The US military said it had killed at least 10 fighters...."
Not a major clash, huh, so it wasn't worth reporting to the American people?
So the god-damn Boston Globe just LIED about how quiet Iraq was yesterday!!!
America, the MSM papers have ARE LIARS when it comes to Iraq!!
This was their QUIET DAY?