Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Occupation Iraq: Not What America Is

Rivero is right...

"Daily we see TV shows that propagandize us all about America's high-tech "Wonder Weapons", promising to make killing the other guys a safe open air video game, costly to develop, always "just around the corner", and when finally deployed usually unable to perform as advertised. (If you have not read the book "The Pentagon Wars" about the development of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, make a point of doing so. There is also a very funny movie based on the book.)

But the fact is that America's war machine, like America's President, is all hat and no cattle. Our expensive high-tech military toys are easily spoofed by some very low-tech tricks. This is a repeat of Vietnam, in which the US taxpayer paid to turn 4000 Bell Helicopters into rusted monuments to the 60,000 kids who died in that mistake. Despite the aforesaid helicopters, laser-guided bombs, aircraft carriers, E6 and B-52 bombers, and the very best technology DARPA could come up with, we lost that war, just as we are losing this one

The reason is simple. The might of a nation is not in its hardware but in the spirit of the people. The United States will always win a war when the people know that war is just and necessary. But all the modern weapons in the world cannot win a war when the people know that the war is false, based on lies; a war not for defense but to invade and conquer another nation in order to plunder its wealth. That is not what America is, despite the best efforts of those who stole the elections in 2000 and 2004
." -- Mike Rivero of whatreallyhappened.com