As I log on this afternoon I just wanted you readers to know just how discouraged I am at the MSM and its absolute failure.
What keeps running through my mind is the six top administration officials (Cheney, Rice, Powell, Tenet, Rumsfeld and Ashcroft) sitting around a room devising TORTURE guidelines!
Bush goes ahead and then AUTHORIZES it, and IT IS A ONE-DAY STORY!!
WAR CRIMES are a ONE-DAY STORY to the MSM while they serve up ENDLESS LIES and SHIT day after day!!!! Then to continually go on to their web sites and see the propaganda repeated and recycled, UH!
Update: I'm not alone: Dear NY Times: It has been nine days since ABC told us Bush personally authorized torture. As of this writing, the Times has yet to report on this
One thing not helping is I am reading my posts from a year ago (before the blog was zapped) and most of the shit is the same -- right down to the headlines, etc. Check out my memory holes. That's why I removed them from my must view links -- so you, the reader, would not be tempted to go there and be (if I may use the term, because that's what consuming their garbage is) tortured!
Anyhow, that's the point isn't it? A barrage of propaganda to form opinions and warp minds, push an agenda and a specific (Zionist) world view. I'll address that in the above post with a personal story.