Friday, April 25, 2008

Lew Rockwell a Fraud!!

See below post, readers!

" Censors Paul Craig Roberts to Protect Israel"

"Libertarians of the world are blushing beet red.

Lew Rockwell of describes himself as "an opponent of the central state, its wars and its socialism." But don't decide that the central state wages it's wars to benefit Israel becuase he won't print your conclusions.

Or at least not when noted analyst Paul Craig Roberts penned a piece called What the Iraq War Is About. Conterpunch and printed the piece with two last paragraphs alleging America's actions in the middle east seek to benefit Israel. Lew Rockwell left the last bits off....

Lew Rockwell wants peace providing organized Jewry agrees."

Did you try clicking on the lewrockwell link, readers?

Still waiting, huh?

What a disappointment!

Another false-friend, controlled-opposition outfit detected!!!!
