Thursday, April 17, 2008

Israel Must Be Stopped (Clarified)

Clarification: While being unable to speak for the poster, as a linker (and I'm sure he would agree), we are NOT calling for individual acts of violence in any way! We are just wondering where the world community is!!

Let them CUT OFF ISRAEL'S MONEY FIRST and see what happens, and failing that -- given Israel's continued conduct -- then the WHOLE WORLD should contribute troops to the effort. Every single nation! Let's see Israel go against that!

Anyhow, I just wanted to clarify the concept due to the Malcolm X quote. This website will never call for violence, ever!! That is why you get the diatribes of rage!

Thank you, readers.

I was surprised to see the call on the web site, but the truth is I whole-heartedly agree!

How sad that is coming from disciples of Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr.!

Malcolm X said it best:

"It doesn't mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time, I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't call it violence when it's self-defense, I call it intelligence."


"Condemnation is not enough…. ISRAEL MUST BE STOPPED BY FORCE IF NECESSARY. An entire nation is being slowly erased from the face of the earth as the world stands by silently. For 60 years the zionists have systematically eliminated the Palestinians one by one, in recent years dozens at a time. This must not be allowed to continue. ‘Peacemakers’ come and go…. NOTHING IS DONE! Foreign dignitaries come and go…. NOTHING IS DONE! The time has come for action not talks…. ISRAEL MUST BE STOPPED.

Just watch the following video…. see for yourself what YOU are allowing to continue with your silence.

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