Monday, April 14, 2008

The Church of Nobody Speaks

A new and interesting blog site. I'd suggest giving it a look, readers.

".... Amalekites, eh? Wonder at the nature of 'Amalekites'. If you object to the slaughtering of innocent men, women and children, and condemn the mindset from which this springs does that qualify as an attack on Jews? Does that make you an Amalekite? Who but a sub-human shit wouldn't object to it and ask the question? Who, then, the fearful and the silent excluded, isn't an Amalekite?

.... Of course, the majority of Jews are neither Zionists nor Talmudic. They're non-religious. Here's where we discuss the flip-side 'ethnic' aspect of Jewishness - but let's just cut to the chase and say it's bullshit. It's arguable whether Ashkenazi/Khazari Jews are Turkic or Caucasian but either way they're about as Semitic as I am....

So, if they're not religious and their not ethnically Semitic, what are they? Apart from a people who, wherever they go and whomever they live amongst, choose to remain 'other'? And how is this not racist? How is it that the people they live amongst, who object to this perpetual choosing of 'otherness', cop the racist tag? They're anti-racist surely? If I was to describe the proud Jewish tradition of fighting racism as a sham designed to allow them to continue their own racism would I be wrong?

Regardless of historical Jewish assertions of being anti-racist, any people who so define themselves as being 'other' - generation after generation for the last 1200 years - is racist. The Rabbi's prescription of slaughter is merely the standard Jewish form of passive racism pushed to its ultimate conclusion. Again, let's cut to the chase. Let's see if any of the moderate Jews in the media have anything to say about the Rabbi's call to murder.

They'll say nothing, of course. Nor will they allow anyone else to do so....
