Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Boston Globe: Way Too Little, Much Too Late

This is all they picked up on the New York Times piece, and then they went and placed it on page A10 to boot!!!

But they made it worse, readers, because of the

"Put a stop to war propaganda" April 20, 2008

"I TOLD him exactly what it is: Mommy's over there fighting bad people who attacked us so that you can sleep at night."

I understand that the preceding quote is not the Globe's statement but that of a husband of a returning soldier ("Reserve unit returns home to ceremony and open arms," City & Region, April 13), but why highlight this kind of propaganda and put it on top of the page in larger type?

This sentiment just keeps propagating one of the biggest lies we have been told this decade. I have long held a belief that the media are partly responsible for this illegal and irresponsible war, and looking at Page B3 in last Sunday's edition did not exactly change my mind.

Roslindale "

Yeah, thanks, Globe!

Thanks for continuing to confuse the American mind and promote bullshit lies!!!

Thanks a lot!