Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blogosphere Knows About Tibet and the MSM

From this post.

Also see
China posts.

"I tend to agree with

I tend to agree with LatinAmerica... this is a huge media scam and anyway, the US should bud out of other countries affairs and keep to its own. Every time I watch US news and listen to those stupid reporters tell us about how the Chinese are controlling the news... I can't help wonder just how dumb or corrupt those US reporters must be. If this fuss is made by the US because the Chinese are hiding the ‘real events’ in the Tibet (according to the US media which is not a trusted source), what then about the US media ban on Iraq for the past 5 years?!! I guess it's okay of course for the US to have shot, killed and kidnapped a few dozen journalists from around the world to make sure that no one would dare put his/her foot inside Iraq to report the gruesome truth. It’s ok that the US targeted the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad from a tank (caught live on video) killing several foreign journalists to drive media out of Iraq so that the US could commit its crimes only in the presence of "imbedded" American media who explained to the world how the US was ‘liberating’ Iraq.

For that reason Grim, I don't give attention to what I know is an American provoked crisis in the Tibet to hit China. America should bud out of other countries affairs and many crisis will thus be avoided...

Check this article out about the Tibet and please consider that it is from American media… meaning that the reality in fact is worse than this article admits.


And another:

"It's a CIA distraction from the beginning

This is a made for TV drama and I ain't biting. If the U.S. wants to boycott the Olympics because it is involved in WW III in Iran, they hardly need the Tibetans to justify it.

Hell, the Dalai Lama gets his paychecks from the CIA. They got him out of Tibet.

On March 17, 1959, the CIA packed the Dalai Lama up with his Potelo palace riches and got him into neighboring India. All the while, the CIA had set up and trained an army of Tibetan contras. Potential recruits were asked only one, rather un-Zen-like question by Air Force pilots working with the Agency: "Do you want to kill Chinese?" The guerrillas were actually trained on US soil and then airdropped into Tibet up to and the Vietnam War.

Stop letting the ziomedia herd you around."