Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Blogging Honor

There was something oddly familiar when I clicked on this link and started reading.

If it is possible to feel pride and humbleness at the same time, I did.

I'm playing the palace, hey!

Given the contentiousness of my language, and my diatribes of rage (only when reading the lying MSM. Coincidence?), I was a bit surprised to see the link.

However, I have said it before and will say it again: What is more outrageous?

My bitter and profane diatribes of rage born out of hurt and pain, or the very atrocious and abominable acts I am describing?

Just because no one wants to listen in this podunk backwater I live in doesn't mean my objections are not going to be logged somewhere.

And quite frankly, readers, the newspapers and Congress just weren't responding, so here I am.