Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another Business Bailout

Under cover of help for the American homeowner.

When you gonna wake up and get your nose out of that bowl of shit, Americans?


TAR and FEATHERS TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Big Tax Breaks for Businesses in Housing Bill"

"The Senate proclaimed a fierce bipartisan resolve two weeks ago to help American homeowners in danger of foreclosure. But while a bill that senators approved last week would take modest steps toward that goal, it would also provide billions of dollars in tax breaks — for automakers, airlines, alternative energy producers and other struggling industries, as well as home builders.

The tax provisions of the Foreclosure Prevention Act, which consumer groups and labor leaders say amount to government handouts to big business, show how the credit crisis, while rattling the housing and financial markets, has created beneficiaries in the power corridors of Washington.

It also shows how legislation with a populist imperative offers a chance for lobbyists to press their clients’ interests.

Amazing how Congress can fuck you and take your wallet at the same time, huh, shit-eaters?

This has proved especially true on the housing legislation, which many lawmakers and lobbyists view as one of the last opportunities before Congress grinds to a halt amid election-year politics.

In the Senate bill, the nation’s biggest home builders, some now on the verge of bankruptcy, won a provision that would let them claim millions in tax refunds by charging their current losses against the huge profits they made three or four years ago. Other struggling industries would benefit from this provision...."

The only people who won't be benefiting are the AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!

Nope, just roll over and spread those ass cheeks, America!

"Wall Street Winners Get Billion-Dollar Paydays"

"Hedge fund managers, those masters of a secretive, sometimes volatile financial universe, are making money on a scale that once seemed unimaginable, even in Wall Street’s rarefied realms....

Their unprecedented and growing affluence underscores the gaping inequality between the millions of Americans facing stagnating wages and rising home foreclosures and an agile financial elite that seems to thrive in good times and bad....

There are your GLOBAL ELITE right there!

I believe I called them
untouchables, too!!!

Some, like Mr. Paulson, profited handsomely from the turmoil in the mortgage market ripping through the economy....

That's nice to know!

Aren't you glad some shitstink elite is profiting off your misery, American?

With a combined $2 trillion under management, the hedge fund industry is coming off its richest year ever — a feat all the more remarkable given the billions of dollars of losses suffered by major Wall Street banks...."

Yup, ABOVE IT ALL are the shit-sucking elite scum!

Too bad the American people are licking their spittle from their shoes!


Meanwhile, Americans wallow in shit!

Are you angry yet, America? If not now, when?

"Oil Prices Hit a New High, and So Does a Gallon of Gas"

Foreclosures and Repossessions Up"


Or are you just going to bury your face in that bowl of shit?