His quick reply was: "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)"
Quote #2: A furious Sharon said to Shimon Peres:
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
Clear now, reader?
So through the looking glass we go, 'eh?
And remember the Israeli spy ring? No?
"Cartoon showing the TRUE relationship between Israel, AIPAC and the Democratic and Republican Party"

Here's what the stories in today's Washington Post and New York Times on the new indictments of the two AIPAC spies aren't telling you: their espionage was principally about helping to prepare an attack by Israel on Iran.
And one of the Israeli embassy officials who knows all about AIPAC's role in helping plan the attack on Iran has been whisked out of the country and out of the reach of U.S. prosecutors, the Israeli daily Ha'aretz reports this morning.
One of the Israeli diplomats the feds want to question about the activities of the AIPAC spy ring has been quietly spirited out of the country.
Ha'aretz reports this morning.
"The Israeli diplomat in Washington who met several times with Franklin has been identified as Naor Gilon, head of the political department at the Israeli Embassy in Washington and a specialist on proliferation issues.
Gilon returned to Israel a few days ago as 'part of a long-scheduled rotation' according to an Israeli official in Washington.
And forget about finding justice in the courts:
"Zionist judge slams 9/11 victim's wife in Courtroom"".... This is a political matter - this false-flag terrorism of 9-11 - and it has been decided that the only trials that will be held and reported are the show trials the government and their masters want. Just like in my case, there is no way the plaintiffs can have their case heard and the evidence presented in an open court....
I sometimes wonder at what point will Americans wake up and protest such outrageous injustice. If ever there were a country ripe for revolution - it is the United States in 2007.
It is not the American people who should be afraid -- it is the evil doers who are behind 9-11 and the corruption of the U.S. courts and government who should be trembling in fear of being caught...."
Because WE KNOW!!!!!!
Turning to the media, business, the banks...
"The love of money is the root of all evil".
Looks like the lovers of money are in control today. If a judge convicts a jew for a crime with any lawful harsh impunity he committed he loses his seat with the power of money. If a politician doesn't side with Israel his opponent gets all the money. If a politician sides with Israel the people lose their money. If grocery stores don't sell kosher food they lose their store. If a country is anti-Semitic jews can devastate the entire economy if they want by pumping in more money. Who will stop them if not us? If you aren't a jew you are pretty much dead in the water as far as money goes unless you work for them somehow. Its basically jew money helping jews and it is slowly coming to an end before it explodes.
Look at all the media slaves, all the movie stars, the politicians, etc.. Even the mercenaries who do the jews deeds are in big business now. All you have to do to make big money is sell out and then who is to say how long you can keep that money? Its all a house of cards.
Jesus never carried money. We aren't here to monopolize our true neighbors, lend them money at interest or allow our neighbors to be embezzled, have them taxed into submission, turn our women into prostitutes, mislead our kids through the jew school system or stand by and allow one specific people to monopolize over us. The fact is we know what the root of all evil is and we know the evil people behind it. You can keep watering or you can rip that root out. No monetary system of any kind will ever be legitimate with the lethal jew around. Of course I'm only basing my opinion on the last two thousand years, but you could go back much further than that."
Also see: Israel Writes The New York Times News Pages