I disagree; however, those without respect for life and love draw outrage from me!
That is what accounts for my railings!!!
So my site is a "hate" site if what you HATE is WAR and KILLING!!!!!!
Anyway, other bloggers face the same.
This blogger probably wouldn't approve of my language, and some of my other harsh commentaries.

"I have been accused recently of hosting a hate site. Those that believe that have gone as far as to say that my views are not at all peaceful ones, but quite to the contrary.
I have also been accused of censoring opinions contrary to my own... basically by people that say they never visit my site or read what I have to say.... yet they copy and paste everything I say and post it on their own sites.
It's true.... I do censor on this site, so to speak. I do moderate comments, something I cannot deny to anyone that has ever left a comment here. But what are the reasons for this?
My Blog has a purpose. My Blog has a message. Also, my Blog is an extension of me, myself. If you want to disagree with me on any specific point, that's OK. If you want to express your viewpoint which might be different than mine, that's also OK...
BUT, if you come here and expect me to post comments that are pro zionist or anti Semitic or sexist or racist in any form, be assured that those comments will not see the light of day on this Blog. If you post spam-porn, it will also not be published. As far as calling this censorship, that's a load of hogwash!
There are more than enough sites where those views are and can be expressed. The press generally censors any views contrary to their own, various so called 'democratic' sites do the same. By not presenting certain viewpoints on my Blog, I am not in any way not allowing them to appear elsewhere. Anyone wanting to read their rants are more than welcome to visit the multitude of true hate sites on the Web. The zionist viewpoint gets more than enough exposure on the Web (too much as far as I am concerned)... this site is not an extension of that 'soap box'. It never will be either.
As far as this site being a 'hate site', one can say there is a bit of truth to that. This site hates hate! This site will not tolerate or give platform to anyone that in any way endorses the doctrine of hate. So yes, this IS a hate site if you look at it from that hateful point of view.
Other sites have also been singled out as being the same as mine, basically from the same people. Among some that come to mind are Sabbah's Blog, PeacePalestine and My Son The CrazyComposer. All for the same reasons.... for NOT allowing hatred in the comments section.
On another note, there are a number of sites that seem to have a problem differentiating anti zionism with anti Semitism. I have seen, or have been told about, some of my threads appearing on various White Supremest and other sites that openly promote hate. This is ALWAYS done without my permission and definitely without my endorsement. There is no way I can control that from happening. Be assured that if the particular sites in question are not in my links, they are not sites that I frequent or support in any way. If you are not satisfied with what I post, if you feel offended by my viewpoints, you are invited to visit those sites that endorse hatred and please feel free not to visit this particular site, you are obviously not comfortable here.
But, getting to the concepts and definitions of moderation and censorship, the following two examples pretty much cover them...
The roles of moderators can vary from forum to forum, just as the purposes of the forua themselves can vary. However, on boards intended to be public, moderators are generally accorded additional powers. This allows them to enforce forum rules and conduct administrative tasks that the forum owner does not trust ordinary users to perform.
Among a moderator's enforcement duties is often the duty to stop flaming and keep the board a friendly place, free of personal insults (but different boards have different standards, and what is acceptable on one will invariably be prohibited on another). Most boards also ban illegal material (such as warez) and outright pornography, and many also restrict the use of profanity and any violent or sexual images, however in other boards this is considered perfectly acceptable, or even the norm. Some sites will disallow pornographic subjects on the main forum but will set up a sub-forum solely for that.
On some boards, moderators are expected to stay out of all contentious debates, or at least to use alternate accounts to engage in them unbeknownst to common members. On most boards, however, moderators may participate just as any normal member, provided they remain civil and generally obey the site rules. Some boards require moderators not to moderate any discussion or topic they're involved in, and many moderators on other boards take this upon themselves to avoid conflict of interest and bias.
As always, there are many exceptions. On smaller boards or forums that are operated at the whim of the site operator and perhaps some of his or her friends, a moderator might be able to do whatever he feels like (provided they avoid crossing their colleagues and superiors). On any professional forum it is important to have clear rules posted, and that the moderators are consistently following these. Lack of order and respect for the rules will cause the board to lose maybe valuable and contributing softspoken members in favor of those who don't mind breaking rules to win arguments or silence members with opposing views. This risks turning any board into a one-man show of the loudest.
Depending on the forum's ambition, it is important for a moderator to be available at all times to stem any crises or stop the forum's rules to be broken. Basically it is the moderators' job to keep the forum clean and used properly.
Censor: One who supervises conduct and morals: as a) an official who examines materials (as publications or films) for objectionable matter; b) an official (as in time of war) who reads communications (as letters) and deletes material considered harmful to the interests of his organization. Censorship: The institution, system or practice of censoring; the actions or practices of censors; esp : censorial control exercised repressively.
--Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
My Son The CrazyComposer recently posted THIS brilliant thread on 'Cyber Censorship', it is definitely a worthwhile read.
posted by Desert Peace @ 1:05 PM"
I guess he wouldn't approve of me, but I don't care.
This is MY BLOG and MY VOICE to the world!
Most especially, I want Muslims to know that I don't buy the lies about them shoveled into American minds by the Zionist-controlled AmeriKan media!
As for my censoring opinion of my blog, I don't allow advertisers and I do not allow comments for the same reason.
Although it can't be censorship if I'm allowing NO comments, right?
Further reasons for disallowing commentary are the time restrictions I face, and the fact that I am tired of busting my ass and digging up facts only to have to engage in "debates" over a foundation of LIES!!!
My site is a TRUTH site, and my hard, sweat-breaking efforts are not to be insulted by Zionist trolls of censorship cruising the web.
They already made me dump this site once!