Monday, December 3, 2007

Israel's Control of the News

If Americans only knew..

Israel claims being a democracy, yet it is so far from that. This video will show you how Israelis censor everyday news. Censorship for them is as normal as having breakfast. In the Arab world, we see everything they censor because we have cameras from our networks covering the news. In the US however where media is controlled by Zionists, it is the censored and even "beautified" and manipulated version that makes its way to the American viewer.

Some of us know!

Threat to Israel from within, not without

"The only way that Israel can secure its future is to seriously forge peace with the entire Arab world entailing its withdrawal behind 1967 lines so that a viable and contiguous Palestinian state can be formed with its capital Jerusalem.

Fixed borders and regional recognition will ensure long term peace and prosperity, and Israel's legitimate place in the world not as a feared pariah but as a respected nation that abides by international laws and treaties."


Unfortunately, the solution above has about as much chance as a snowball in a Nazi oven.

"Israeli Ambassador Addresses United Nations General Assembly"

"NEW YORK, NEW YORK * 2 DECEMBER 2007 Citizen of the USA Stephen M. St. John addresses the international community in Washington and here in New York City, all members of the US Congress as well as other organizations and individuals, public and private, and expresses his astonishment upon having seen and heard Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Dan Gillerman, speak before the United Nations General Assembly on the "Question of Palestine" last Thursday afternoon, 29 November, the 60th anniversary of the failed "Partition Resolution" 181. (The full text of Gillerman's speech can be read at

In recent memory, Israel's delegation has refused to speak before this august body on this agenda item because the government of Israel's actions with respect to the Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian people and their occupied territories have consistently resulted in votes that are overwhelmingly against it – and for good reason! Very often only the USA and Israel and two or three remote Pacific island nations register the sum total of Israel's support in the General Assembly's truly democratic voting process that includes the option to abstain.

The reason for Israel's worldwide unpopularity quickly became apparent during Ambassador Gillerman's speech. Knowing full well he was speaking to a sophisticated and knowledgeable audience – not the deceived electorate here in the USA – he surprisingly began with a lie: "Mr. President, I have just come from a commemorative ceremony at Lake Success, where the General Assembly met 60 years ago. You see, throughout history, nations traditionally have been created through war and conquest. Israel, however, was created by UN decree and by the nations of the world." Superficially true, his statement is contradicted by well known plans put into effect to grab as much land as possible in the final phase of a terrorist campaign that culminated in the declaration of the Jewish state of Israel in May 1948. This was not a war, but ethnic cleansing against a virtually defenseless people by Jewish terrorist groups with vast quantities of smuggled arms, explosives and deadly biological agents.

Ambassador Gillerman further notes that he returned from the Annapolis peace conference only the night before, where he describes "a sense of optimism" felt by all those in attendance. This is yet another lie. People sense a heightened tension from the USA's strategy to divide the Palestinian people locally and the Iranians regionally, then deal with them harshly. Hamas will get bullets and Fatah will get crayons to draw asterisks on UN Security Council Resolution 242 while Iran endures full spectrum fraud and force and threat of force as it defends its natural and legal right to have a self-sustained nuclear energy program.

No nation in history has ever had a better justification than Iran to use preemptive force to defend against a clear and present danger. So too no nation has ever been more blessed by the Almighty with patience, forbearance and power to discern and judge the perpetrators of crimes against nations and peoples! There is no longer an Arab-Zionist dispute. There is an Iranian/Arab-Zionist dispute!

With that world famous Zionist charm, Ambassador Gillerman said "this Assembly hall is also the birthplace of the annual 21 resolutions defaming Israel"! But his insult does not address the reasons why the vast majority of the nations of the earth pass these resolutions in good faith and with a view toward peacemaking. This is not defamation or denigration of the Jewish state; rather, these resolutions reflect a strong stand on fundamental principles which makes the United Nations perfectly capable of playing a meaningful role in addressing the conflict. Only those who have difficulty in abiding by the UN's basic principles need to disparage this institution. The world changed in 1945 when it was agreed that the taking of any territory by force was not permissible. Why take from the people of Palestine this shield of the law?

President Bush masterfully removes the shield of the law and uses the old colonial formula of "divide and conquer" to pit the weak against the strong. But no people acting under such sustained and overwhelming duress can bestow legality on diminution of their rights, as Israel's Palestinian partners are apparently expected to do. With this in mind, it is Ambassador Gillerman who is acting perversely rather than the Arabs when he says "it is the greatest insult to us, to history, and to this Assembly that while Israel celebrates, others at the United Nations mourn." It is woefully irrational to expect the Palestinians to be happy about what has happened to them and their land over the course of the past century and what is about to happen in this Zionist end game. In absence of the rule of law, we can only reflect on the truth of what Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said repeatedly, that history shows that oppressive regimes simply do not last!

True to form, the Israeli ambassador cannot rest easy with his dressing down of all the aggrieved parties and their supporters in the Assembly hall, but rather, pushes beyond all bounds by saying: "The Coalition for Peace, which the world saw assembled in Annapolis just two days ago, will support the process between Israel and the Palestinians. But it is also a coalition that will counter and confront the extremists in Teheran." Really? Did Gillerman shake hands with the Saudi Foreign Minister on this? Is he the designated spokesman for The Coalition for Peace's Coalition against Iran? What kind of game is he playing here? All the world knows the Zionists are determined to push the USA to attack Iran. Now they are using the Annapolis peace conference to cloak warmongers with mantles of peace!

The whole direction that Ambassador Gillerman takes is disturbing and must be confronted. A grand strategy to forge yet another separate peace – this time with the divided people of Palestine – must yield to the more worthy goal of a comprehensive peace that would feature a region from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers free of all weapons of mass destruction. Only with Iran's direct participation can this be achieved. The only real peace is a comprehensive peace. Leaving Iran out of the conference is a very big mistake. But what do you expect from people who have lied and lied and lied about 9/11 and WMDs in Iraq?

The expensive propaganda campaign touting "Islamofascism" is just a psychological wedge to keep Iran out of the peace process. Such meanspirited propaganda must yield to worldwide Talmud awareness. The Talmud is today's written form of the oral "Traditions of the Elders" which Jesus condemned with very great vehemence. The Talmud teaches the innate superiority of Jews over non-Jews and also gives Jews license to kill and steal from and otherwise manipulate non-Jews; as such, it has been the root of much evil – particularly in the last one hundred years. The Talmud explains Ambassador Gillerman's heavy insistence on a Jewish state where Arab Moslems and Christians are by definition second class citizens with limited prospects for living fulfilled lives. A Jewish state is highly impractical without a plan for more ethnic cleansing and therefore this idea of walled apartheid should be rejected outright.

Ambassador Gillerman needs to discover that the Jews are the Levites of the world; for just as the tribe of Levy had no portion of its own but was mixed among all the other tribes of ancient Israel because of its unique, priestly status, so too are the Jews today now mixed among nearly all the nations of the earth. This is what the Almighty intends. This how the Jews have been fulfilling and will continue to fulfill the prophecy that they will be a blessing for all mankind. But the Almighty does not intend a Jewish state. In the time of Moses the Almighty spoke through a non-Hebrew prophet, Balaam, about this very matter: "...the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations." (Numbers 23:9) Zionism is a big mistake. It is Bolshevism gone mad and beyond all bounds!

Ambassador Gillerman would do well to subtilize with his superior genius-level Jewish mind and recognize another possibility that can be derived from his cherished General Assembly Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947; namely, the corpus separatum designation given Jerusalem and its suburbs. This was generally overlooked by both sides and is still hardly ever mentioned. However, in a true spirit of compromise, one may regard Jerusalem's corpus separatum status as the foundation for a state of Jerusalem. Moreover, rather than have both sides dangerously restless with the "half empty glass" syndrome that the psychology of a two state solution will most certainly engender, this proposed state of Jerusalem could absorb and unify what are now the state of Israel and the as yet unrealized state of Palestine. One state with one citizenship and one capital with all citizens equal under the law is the only sure foundation for mutual trust. This idea is the centerpiece of An Eight Part Peace Proposal for Greater Jerusalem, which can be read at

Ambassador Gillerman should also focus on the shared history of Persia and the Jews. Both King David, and later, King Cyrus, were instrumental in putting Israel's first and second temples in the wrong place. The Temple Mount site was chosen by these two men; whereas the Torah and the prophets reveal that the site chosen by the Almighty is near Beth El. This is vital knowledge for the peace of Greater Jerusalem, and this information is contained in Appendix A of An Eight Part Peace Proposal for Greater Jerusalem. It would be wonderful indeed if the Jews and the modern day Persians, the Iranians, were to have a great awakening about the correct, prophesied site for the third temple, thereby heading off the otherwise inevitable clash at the Temple Mount. It makes great sense to heed Ahmadinejad's invitation to heed the prophets.

Stephen M. St. John

Post Office Box 449
Rockefeller Center
New York, New York 10185"