Friday, October 2, 2009

The Calm Before the Storm

Related: Crash/Collapse Dead Ahead Say Faber, Rogers, Dent and Celente

Ron Paul Warns of Violence From Pending Dollar Crises; Says Israel Strike On Iran The Trigger

".... Irrespective of Steve Shane’s smokescreen of an article in the New York Times and irrespective of the debate that… ALL OF A SUDDEN HAS APPEARED… out of nowhere about how the Iran question is so much like the Iraq situation, I am asking the reader not to be deceived by what’s ticker-taping through your head via the crack-whore media. Just as Saudi Arabia had most definitely NOT cut a deal with Israel, all of this other smoke and mirrors is the sort of thing pickpockets’ work in public venues....

The assault on Iran appears imminent. When I start hearing unreasonable people talking like they are reasonable I know one of their friends is coming up behind me with a sap. One thing you must ALWAYS keep in mind is that we are dealing with psychopaths....

Any time you see a sudden shift in the way that formerly consistently lying sacks of shit present the news, you can be sure the word came up from below to switch the program because snakes were about to be slithering under the theater seats and it’s necessary that the public has their eyes on the screen.

Most people who read here get their news from the alternative media. I do to a degree but I also get my news from Asia and the Russian press so… a lot of you might have missed where Putin (who is definitely in charge in Russia) said very directly that Iran is not afraid, not even a teensy weensy little bit about Israel coming after them. There’s a reason for this. This is a point I want to make with serious impact. Iran is not afraid of Israel at all and there’s a reason for that but I’m not going to spoil the surprise. I just want to say that Bibi and Ehud are in for a big surprise....

Israel has gone to the well so many times that they think they can do it without even caring what the world thinks. They control the information flow for the rank and file so what’s the problem? Heh heh… sooner or later everyone learns that one should never over reach themselves. Alexander who was the very spirit of the gods of war on Earth learned this lesson and what was that? Something went wrong with his stomach. Evil really does destroy itself and it is about to show you that....

To read the rest of this post go HERE