According to the Human Rights Association's report, Israel made its Arab citizens vulnerable to Hizbullah's rockets in the following ways:
* Permanent military bases, including army camps, airfields and weapons factories, as well as temporary artillery positions that fired thousands of shells and mortars into southern Lebanon were located inside or next to many Arab communities.
* The Israeli army trained soldiers inside northern Arab communities before and during the war in preparation for a ground invasion, arguing that the topography in these communities was similar to the villages of south Lebanon.
* The government failed to evacuate civilians from the area of fighting, leaving Arab citizens particularly in danger. Almost no protective measures, such as building public shelters or installing air raid sirens, had been taken in Arab communities, whereas they had been in Jewish communities.
Under the protocols to the Geneva Conventions, parties to a conflict must "avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas" and must "endeavour to remove the civilian population from the vicinity of military objectives". The Human Rights Association report clearly shows that Israel cynically broke these rules of war.
It apparently never occurred to anyone in our leading human rights organisations or the Western media that the same moral and legal standards ought be applied to the behaviour of Israel and Hizbullah during the war on Lebanon 18 months ago. Belatedly, an important effort has been made to set that right.
A new report, written by a respected Israeli human rights organisation, one representing the country's Arab minority not its Jewish majority, has unearthed evidence showing that during the fighting Israel committed war crimes not only against Lebanese civilians -- as was already known -- but also against its own Arab citizens. This is an aspect of the war that has been almost entirely neglected until now.
If there is a more depraved, sadistic and murderous nation on the face of the earth other than Israel, it would have to be Israel's supplier of weapons, money and political backing, the USA.
These two nations are largely responsible for most of the terrorist acts in the world thru assassinations, false-flag ops and outright slaughter of civilians with their phony "War on Terror."
They are just setting the stage for you-know-what:
"Before I get going, consider the map below. The red areas are where Palestinians live in the occupied territories. These areas are not accurate, and not to scale. Around each red are is a gray line representing apartheid walls, plus other barriers – again, not to scale.
The Israeli plan is to restrict Palestinians to these isolated ghettos, and starve them inside. Isolation is achieved by the apartheid walls, plus the other barriers, fences, Jews-only roads, and so on.
The walls and barriers have nothing to do with Jewish “security.” They are designed to squeeze Palestinians into oblivion.
Whenever Jews talk about a “two-state” solution, the red areas you see here are literally what Jews mean by a “Palestinian state,” namely a patchwork of prison-ghettos. How would Palestinians move back and forth between the red areas? Answer: they wouldn’t. Each area is cut off from all other areas.

This is why all talk of a “two-state solution” is absurd.
Incidentally, in a “two-state solution,” all Palestinians outside the occupied territories would have to move into the tiny red zones. This is what the collaborationist Abbas is pushing for.
But wait . . . wouldn’t the Jews tears down the walls between the Palestinian ghettos?
What do you think?
Haaretz document confirms Jewish plan for Palestinians
I thought this was interesting from a historical perspective.
You know that Israeli “peace processes” are meant to distract everyone while Jews continue to push all Palestinians out of Palestine.
You also know the Palestininians were wrongly blamed for the breakdown of the Camp David "peace" talks in 2000.
Jonathan Cook wrote a piece at Electronic Intifada that mentions some interesting things.
He notes that former prime minister Ehud Barak dreamed up the whole process of “separation” as you see in the map above. The main designer was Barak’s deputy defense minister, Ephraim Sneh.
Even before the Camp David “peace talks,” the Israelis planned to isolate Palestinians in ghettos, exactly as was done in South Africa with the Bantustans (black ghettos). Barak used the Camp David talks to concel this fact.
Cook says that Haaretz recently published a document that reveals this Israeli plan, and shows that the Israelis deliberately checkmated the Camp David talks.
This document was presented to Ehud Olmert to prepare him for the Annapolis farce. (It ignores the fact that in the late 1980s, the PLO offered to accept a Palestinian state in the two separate territories of the West Bank and Gaza -- on only 22 percent of historic Palestine. The Israelis rejected that offer.)
The Annapolis farce was identical to the Camp David farce. In both, an outgoing U.S. president made a sham attempt to broker “peace.” In both, the Israelis used the talks as a distraction. In both, Jewish proposals were intended to ultimately remove all Palestinians from Palestine.
The document says that in 2000, Barak insisted on the following principles before he would talk about establishing a “Palestinian state”:
1. All illegal Israeli housing (400,000 Jews) would remain on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Jewish housing units would be connected by Jewish-only roads, guarded by the Jewish army. Any Palestinian “state” would look something like the map above. In return, Palestinians would be given a tiny wedge of worthless land in the Negev desert.
2. Israelis would retain the most fertile area in Palestine: the area along the Jordan Valley in the West Bank, from the Dead Sea to the northern Jewish settlement of Meholah. This is a fifth of the West Bank. Today only Jews may enter it.
3. Jews would claim most of East Jerusalem, and cut it off from the West Bank. (250,000 Jews already live in East Jerusalem, in violation of numerous U.N. resolutions.)
4. In the old city, Jews would claim everything except the Muslim quarter. Jews would also claim most of the "sacred basin" outside the walls.
5. Jews would place the Temple Mount (with the al-Aqsa mosque and all the other buildings) under an "ambiguous" sovereignty in preparation for Jewish theft.
6. Palestinians would no longer call occupied territories “occupied territories.”
7. All Palestinians would move out of Jewish areas.
8. Palestinians would recognized Israel as a “Jewish state” -- thus relinquishing their right of return.
9. Palestinians would live in isolated ghettos on an area that was 14 percent of their historic homeland.
These Israeli demands were non-negotiable.
What did the Palestinians ask for in return? (1) that Israelis not steal more than 2.3 percent of the West Bank, (2) that any land swap be based on the principle of equality. (3) That Palestinians have a corridor through which they could move between Gaza and the West Bank: the two halves of their “state.”
The Israelis rejected all these conditions.
And so the Camp David talks collapsed.
And the world blamed the Palestinians.
The document confirms that Ehud Barak intended for the Camp David talks to collapse. He used them as cover for the separation plan that we see today in the apartheid wall, plus all the other barriers designed to squeeze Palestinians out of Palestine.
Moreover in 2000 the Jewish terrorists quietly demanded that Palestinians recognize Israel as a “Jewish state,” but now the Jews are open and blatant about this. They would not meet with the collaborator Abbas at Annapolis until Abbas first recognized Israel as a “Jewish state,” which Abbas did.
Back in June 2000, a month before the Camp David talks started, Barak already had his separation plan ready to go, and had no intention of honoring any peace agreement. The Jews began implementing this plan in October 2000. The result is the apartheid wall, etc.
After the CAMP David charade, Barak’s military mentor Ariel Sharon became prime minister, and did not like the separation plan at first. Sharon wanted to exterminate all Palestinians. Gradually, however, he realized this would be too obvious, so he agreed to the West Bank wall in summer 2002, and to disengagement from Gaza in early 2004. The Jews left Gaza in 2005, and then built a prison wall around it.
Simply that the Haaretz document confirms that Jews have one goal: to get all Palestinians out of Palestine.
All talk of "peace" or a "two-state solution" is lies, lies, and more lies."
And I'm tired of lies!
Not only that, looking at the map wounds my soul!