Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Bush Family Man

Another Cannelos Special!!!!

In addition to Big Bill Clinton, who is like the son George H.W. never had!

Also see:
Mitt Romney’s Bizarre Beliefs

"Romney forges Bush family ties; Amid political move, he finds common bonds" by Peter Canellos, Globe Columnist | January 29, 2008

WASHINGTON - .... There seems, however, to be an obvious political explanation for Romney's allegiance to Bush I. Over the past three months, Romney has been trying to cultivate the Bush family, aware that former governor Jeb Bush still has a political network in Florida, where Romney is today locked in a tight race with John McCain.

While other Republicans were distancing themselves from the current President Bush in Iowa and New Hampshire, Romney took the lead in thanking the president for "keeping Americans safe." He also scolded rival Mike Huckabee for suggesting that Bush's foreign policy was arrogant and called for more respect for "our president."

Then Romney shifted his message. As McCain, a fixture in the Senate for more than two decades, emerged as the Republican to beat, Romney took a page from John Edwards's book and began excoriating Washington in every speech. Romney would tick off a long list of problems that "Washington" had promised to solve, but hadn't.

"Tonight we are celebrating here in Michigan - I gotta tell you that," Romney said after his big win. "Guess what they're doing in Washington? They're worrying, because they realize - the lobbyists and politicians realize - that America now understands that Washington is broken. And we're going to do something about it."

Bold-sounding words, but not entirely supportive of "our president." How then to appeal to the Bushes? By praising George Herbert Walker Bush, whose policies aren't associated with his son's and whose grandfatherly warmth is now appreciated across the political spectrum.

Not by me!!

The MSM is making me sick, readers, and I'm glad I no longer pay that much attention to them.

I won't be purchasing the shit rag tomorrow, I'll tell you that!

In claiming Bush I as his inspiration, Romney may have stumbled on an apt metaphor for his own career. Both Romney and George H.W. Bush were sons of prominent politicians whose careers stalled short of the presidency. Both their fathers, George Romney and Prescott Bush, were famous for their geniality but lacked a killer instinct. The sons worshiped their fathers and shared an aristocratic air of good manners and good breeding - but were more willing to do what was necessary to succeed....

Prescott Bush was a supporter of Hitler and traitor to America, readers!

And who knows all the
skulls and bones these guys buried in the quest for success, huh?

For Bush, the unfortunate reality was that to be elected Reagan's successor he had to act more conservative than he was, and he had to demonize his opponents....

Gee, the Bush's aren't at fault for anything, 'eh, Pete?

Bush's SOU: Legacy

After being elected, Bush reverted to the prudent moderate that he had always been.


He's a New World Order globalist scum, Pete!

Now 83, Bush seems to see something of himself in Romney. He offered his presidential library as the setting for Romney's speech on religion. Romney clearly sees something of himself in the elder Bush. What each probably sees is a decent, moderate man who secretly hates what he had to do to get ahead."

I just choked on the bullshit, readers.

Yeah, the Bush's are not responsible for anything!

They don't invade countries and wreck economies -- others make them do it!!

, readers!

Peter S. Canellos is the Globe's Washington bureau chief. National Perspective is his weekly analysis of events in the capital and beyond

And he is a piece of apologetic shit, did they mention that in his bio?